From a letter to the Bette and Frank in 1984:
"Christmas cards? I am always putting ideas aside in my head, saving
cartoons or clippings that could be used. I have a great number of MAD magazines and comic
books. So when I have an idea I look through trying to find something
that I can use in the drawing part of it. I like to think my better cards
take me a very long time (weeks of brooding). Then when I have it all
straight in my mind and have some sketches made, its just a matter of half an
hour or so to do the finished card. I make one Christmas card a year,
about two birthday cards which I make multiple copies and then about 5
one-of-a-kind specialty cards (unique to the person or situation)".
That was a while back. Nowadays, I tend to make individual cards whenever I can do so,
with an annual Christmas card. Having sworn off computer graphics for
many years I am using scanned photos and the much better computer generated
text more and more and I rarely open my drawer of felt tips to ink in a
hand-drawn card.
From a fan: "Thank you for remembering the children's birthdays - they find your cards a refreshing change from
the store versions".
Another: "Thank you! You make the neatest cards!" - KK |