Date   With Place Count Photo Own
1950-71 Yahtzee many many USA-NZ   x
1955-1999 Monopoly many many USA-NZ fb xx
  Checkers many many USA-NZ fb x
195x-2015 Chinese Checkers many many USA-Fiji-NZ fb x
1959-07-16 Sorry many many USA    
1959-08-14 Go To The Head of the Class Angi and Georgie Richfield, MN USA    
1959-1961 Annie Oakley many many, MN USA    
1959-12-25 Cootie many many, MN USA fb  
1959-12-26 Concentration many Richfield, MN USA    
1959-1961 Sleeping Beauty many Richfield, MN USA    
1960-01-01 Winner Spinner family Richfield, MN USA    
1960-1996 Clue/Cluedo family Richfield, MN USA   x
1961-12-26 King of the Cheese Daniels Daniels, Richfield, MN USA    
1961-12-28 Junior Executive Steve Newstroms, Richfield, MN USA    
1960-2016 Scrabble many many U-F-NZ fb x
1967-06-28 Pokeno Don, Dan, Tom, Darrell, Les, Judy, Gail, Jan,
Carole, Blanch, Edith, Hazel and Dee
Dee's, Mpls, MN USA    
1971-2016 Formula 1 many many FIJI-NZ x xxx
1971-1972 Contraband Ian, Susi, Wilkins and Murray White's, QVS Fiji     
1971-1972 Passout many Xerxes, Mpls, MN USA    
1972-02-17 Tripoley Whites White's, QVS USA    
1961-1971 Parcheesi many many USA    
1970-81 Aggravation Gail, Ian Susi, Bob, kids, mom, Hoffsis many USA-Fiji-NZ    
1972-04-08 Heads and Feds Whites QVS Fiji    
1980-2000 Backgammon many many USA-NZ fb x
1975-77 Jeopardy family, Hoffsis, Whites, Schwitters many USA-NZ   x
1975-2004 Facts in Five Gail, Chris, Ian many USA-NZ   x
1976-12-21 Godfather   29 KE NZ    
1978-11-24 Monopoly - Religious Aldies Opaheke, Papkura NZ    
1978 Pokerette family 29 KE NZ    
1978-06-23 Zominoes family 29 KE NZ    
1978-12-21 Headache family 29 KE NZ    
1979-11-2 Uncle Wiggly family 29 KE NZ    
1979-1980 Candyland family 29 KE NZ    
1971-1979 Po-Ke-No family 29KE NZ    
1980-06-18 Big Deal kids Londin Ln, Maplewood, MN USA fb x
1980-11-12 Mouse Trap Aldies and kids Londin Ln, Maplewood, MN USA    
1980-11-12 Hungry Hippos Aldies and kids Londin Ln, Maplewood, MN USA fb  
1980-12-3 Family Feud many many USA-NZ   x
1980-12-4 Touche Ne Londin Ln, Maplewood, MN USA    
1980-12-6 Deception family Londin Ln, Maplewood, MN USA     
1980-12-31 Casper family Londin Ln, Maplewood, MN USA    
1981-12-25 Emergency family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA     
1981-12-25 Perfection family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA     
1982-03-26 Stadium Checkers family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA     
1983-07-09 Spiderman family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA     
1982-2003 Pac Man family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA     
1982-12-25 Game of Life family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA    x
1982-2018 Careers family 8617 I, - 62 B USA-NZ   x
1983-02-08 Disney Game family and Towns 90th St, Bloomington,MN USA    
1983-11-11 Game of NZ family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA    x
1983-12-3 MAD family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA    x
1983-12-24 Battleships kids 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA     
1982-1983 Game of States family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA     
1984-1992 Eye Guess family 8617, 62B USA-NZ   x
1984-2015 Trivial Pursuit many versions many many USA-NZ fb xxx
1984-12-02 Pig Out or Pigmania or Pass the Pigs family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA    x
1984-12-03 Smurf family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA     
1984-12-21 Hi Ho Cherry-O family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA     
1984-2007 Wheel of Fortune family, Whites, Schwitters many USA-NZ-OZ fb x
1985-03-08 Donkey Kong family 8617 I, Cottage Grove, MN USA    x
1985-2004 Wizard's Quest family, Ian 29KE 62B Papakura, 33C Waiuku NZ    
1985-99 The Time Game family, EM RH and Whites 62 B, Papakura NZ   x
1985-2004 RISK family many NZ fb x
1986-1993 Game of Auckland family 62 B, Papakura NZ   x
1986-2012 Buccaneer many many NZ fb x
1986-2012 Dogfight many many NZ fb x
1986-09-04 Probe family 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1986-12-23 Guess Who many many NZ   x
1986-12-23 Monopoly - NZ many many NZ fb x
1986-87 Teachers Quiz     NZ    
1987-01-01 Poleconomy family 62 B, Papakura NZ x  
1987-01-17 Rat Race David and Stebbing kids St John's, Auckland NZ    
1987-07-09 Scotland Yard family 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1988-02-12 Superman III family and Whites 91 K, Waiuku NZ    
1989-02-12 Quest family and Whites 91 K, Waiuku NZ    
1989-02-12 Emergency family, Whites 91 K, Waiuku NZ    
1989-2001 Game of Knowledge kids, Nicola, Doug and Marcia 62 B, Papakura NZ   x
1981-1989 Know Your America kids and Nicola 8617 Cottage G 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1989-12-24 Couch Potato many 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1989-12-24 Batman family and Whites 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1988-1992 Secret Weapon family 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1989- American Dream family 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1990-03-10 Tour of New Zealand family 62 B, Papakura NZ   x
1990-12-03 Shotzee kids 62 B, Papakura NZ   x
1991-2008 Newlywed Game many 62 B, Papakura 33C Waiuku NZ   x
1991-01-10 Mad Gab family and Whites Whites, Waiuku NZ   x
1991-01-26 Balderdash Sanders Argyle, Papakura NZ    
1991-12-31 Hero Quest family 62 B, Papakura NZ   x
1986-1991 Anti-Monopoly family 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1992-12-08 Space Crusade Family 62 B, Papakura NZ   x
1987-2012 Valley of the Dinosaurs many 62 B, 33C, OSV NZ fb x
1992-94 MadLib many 62 B, Papakura; Opoutere NZ   x
1991-5 Pictionary many 62 B, Papakura NZ   x
1993-5 Scattergories many 62 B, Papakura NZ fb x
1994-2015 Upwords many 62 B, 33 C, OSV, Whites NZ fb x
1992-96 Guiness Book of World Records family and Whites 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1994-05-15 Disney Sorry family 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1994-09-07 20 Questions family and Whites 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1994-12-03 Taboo family, Aldies and Whites 62 B, 33 C, Whites, Aldies NZ   x
1995-07-29 Tell Me family and Whites 91 K, Waiuku NZ    
1995-12-03 Sexual Trivial Pursuit Gail,Susi, Ian and Sturton 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1996-10-17 Scattergories - Rock n Roll Doug 62 B, Papakura NZ fb x
1996-2009 Untrivia Tpers 33 C, Waiuku NZ    
1996-12-31 Space Hulk family and Tracy 62 B, Papakura NZ   x
1997-07-31 Overturn family and Whites 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1997-2007 Admania many Prescott, AZ 33C, Waikuku USA-NZ   x
1997-12-24 Monopoly - Star Wars family and Doug 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1997-12-26 Connections family, Whites Whites NZ    
1997-12-26 Greed family, Whites Whites NZ    
1997-1998 Compatibilty family, Whites   NZ    
1994- Reminiscing family and Whites 62 B, Papakura NZ    
1999-08-01 Imponderables family and Whites Whites NZ    
1999-09-11 Monopoly - National Parks family 33 C, Waiuku NZ    
2001-12-15 Scotland Yard family and Whites Awhitu Camp NZ    
2001-12-26 iMAgiNiff...          
2001-12-31 Monopoly - French family, Whites and Steph 33 C, Waiuku NZ   x
2001-12-31 Bottom's Up family, Whites, Ann and Steph 33 C, Waiuku NZ    
2002-200X For The Record 50s-60s-70s Doug and Mike C 33 C, Waiuku NZ   x
2002-2013 Lord of the Rings many 33C and OSV NZ fb x
2002-2006 TriBond many Prescott, AZ 33C, Waikuku USA-NZ   x
2002-2006 People Weekly Ne, Gwen, Rachel… New Ulm, MN USA x x
2003-01-06 Police Alert Gail, Ann E and Christopher Mangakino NZ    
2003-07-09 Star Wars Death Star family 33C NZ   x
2003-10-12 Polar Dare Catherine and Stewart A Jesmond Rd, Drury NZ    
2003-12-26 Movie Mania family and Whites 33C NZ    
2004-01-25 Cranium family and Whites Pukekohe NZ fb  
2004-09-19 Break the Safe family and Whites Pukekohe NZ    
2005-01-30 Monopoly - Simpsons minis Pukekohe NZ    
2005-2013 Monopoly Cards family 33 C - OSV NZ fb x
2005-12-03 Goofy Looses His Marbles   33 C, Waiuku NZ   x
2006-04-23 Suduko Ian and Gail 33 C, Waiuku NZ   made by Ian
2008-11-15 Master Brain Christian and Kelcie 33 C, Waiuku NZ    
2008-12-26 Acquisition Whites 33 C, Waiuku NZ x  gift ex Elaine
2009-02-21 Settlers of Catan Whites Pukekohe NZ fb x
2009-12-16 Stonewall ICW, Gail and David 33 C, Waiuku NZ x  
2010-04-02 The Gardens of Alhambra Gail, ICW, Leon Raglan NZ    
2010-04-02 Totem Gail, ICW, Leon Raglan NZ fb  
2010-2011 Apples to Apples gift ex Linda N 33 C, Waiuku NZ    
2010-2016 7 Wonders Whites and Gail Pukekohe OSV NZ fb  
2010-07-18 Pandemic Steve, Christian and Leon Pukekohe NZ fb  
2010-12-05 Sequence gift ex Linda N 33 C, Waiuku NZ fb x
2010-12-31 Alhambra many many NZ fb x
2010-12-31 Head Bandz Leon,Jackie, Brad,… 33 C, Waiuku NZ fb  
2011-03-25 Loads of Trivia TPers Emery's NZ x  
2011-07-17 Citadels Whites and Gail Pukekohe  NZ    
2012-2016 Carassonne Gail, Bev and Colleen OSV NZ fb x
2013-08-21 Plethora family OSV NZ fb x
2013-09-12 Jamaica Mt group Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2013-09-26 Smallworld Carl, Martin and Max Hunt's Mangatapu NZ fb x
2013-10-10 Colosseum Max, Kim, Jamie and Leon Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2013-10-24 Lords of Waterdeep Martin, Max, Jamie, Carl and Sean Hunt's Mangatapu NZ   x
2013-10-24 Stone Age Carl, Martin and Kim Hunt's Mangatapu NZ fb x
2013-11-07 Ora et Labora many Hunt's Mangatapu NZ fb x
2013-11-14 King of Tokyo Kim, Sean and Jamie Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2013-11-14 Ticket to Ride (Europe) Kim, Sean and Jamie Kim's Tauranga NZ fb x
2013-11-14 Puerto Rico Kim, Sean and Jamie Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2013-11-14 Pillars of Earth Kim, Sean and Jamie Kim's Tauranga NZ fb x
2013-11-21 Liar's Dice Martin, Max, ?, Kim Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2013-11-21 Dungeon Roll Keith, Ang, Carolyn  Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2013-11-21 Carassonne - Traders/Builders Max, Kim and Jamie  Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2013-11-28 Euphoria Kim, Sean, Russell, Max and Jamie Kim's Tauranga NZ   x
2013-11-28 Robo Rally Kim, Seanx 2, Russell, Max and Jamie Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2013-2015 Survive: Escape from Atlantis Kim, Sean, Russell Taylor's Papamoa NZ fb x
2014-01-02 Hare & Tortoise Max and Nathan Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-01-02 Caylus Max and Nathan Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-01-02 Fiji Martin W, Nathan, Max and Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-01-09 Eminent Domain Keith, Diana, Karen and Brian Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2014-01-16 Core Worlds Russell, Max and Lee Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-01-16 1812: The Invasion of Canada Max, Lee and Sean Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-01-23 Ships Martin, Max, Carl and Jamie Taylor's Papamoa NZ   Martin's/x
2014-01-23 Eight-Minute Empire Legends Max, Carl and Keith Taylor's Papamoa NZ   x
2014-01-30 Kemet Sean, Sean and Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-02-13 Lost Cities Max and Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-02-13 Artus Max and Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-02-20 Rococo Kim, Sean H, Karen and Jamie Hunt's Mangatapu NZ    
2014-02-28 Mythotopia Jamie and Martin W, Gail, Ne, Ian, David Hunt's Mangatapu NZ fb x
2014-04-10 Ticket to Ride Marklin Gail, Bev and Colleen OSV NZ fb  
2014-05-03 Eight-Minute Empire many 3B + OSV NZ fb x
2014-07-17 Concordia Kim, Sean, Dave and Matt Kim's Tauranga NZ fb x
2014-07-24 Inca Gold Kim, Sean, Dave, Craig and Diana Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2014-2016 Escape from Colditz Kim, Jamie A, Sean, Max and Matt Kim's Tauranga NZ fb  
2014-07-31 Bang! The Dice Game Kim, Jamie A, Sean, Max and Matt Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-07-31 Carcassonne: Hunters and Gathers Kim, Jamie A, Sean and Matt Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-08-07 Snowdonia Craig,Dave and Max Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2014-08-07 The Builders: Middle Ages Sean and Ang  Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2014-08-14 Merchant of Venus Kim and Michael Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-08-21 Ticket to Ride - 10th Anniversary Sean, Max, Martin and Keith Taylor's Papamoa NZ fb x
2014-08-28 Spyrium Kim, Max and Matt Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-09-04 Istanbul Martin, CJ and Dave Taylor's Papamoa NZ   x
2014-09-11 Kingdoms Sean, Clayton, Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ   x
2014-09-11 Archipelago Sean, Clayton, Kim,Max Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-09-18 Infiltration Sean, Clayton Dave and Keith Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2014-09-25 Betting Game Martin, Kim, Sean and Clayton Kim's Tauranga NZ   Martin's
2014-09-25 Yedo Sean, Gabriel and Clayton Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-10-02 Ca$h 'n Gun$ Keith, Lim, Dave, Clayton and Paul Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2014-10-09 Bora Bora Kim and Clayton Kim's Tauranga NZ fb x
2014-2016 Kingdom Builders many OSV NZ fb  
2014-10-30 Tsuro Kim, Max, Clayton,Dave, Ang, Craig and Mark Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2014-11-06 Libertalia Max, Sean, Matt, PK and Gabriel Max's Papamoa NZ    
2014-11-20 King of Tokyo w/ Evolution Max, Sean, Kim and Clayton Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-11-27 Aruba Max, Kim, Clayton, PK and Matt Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2014-12-04 Pay Dirt Kim and Dave Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-12-04 Rockwell Kim, Sean, Clayton Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2014-12-11 Revenge of the Spider Max, Sean, Brian and Clayton Taylor's Papamoa NZ   Max's
2014-2016 Formula D Clayton, Max, Kim, Gail, Paul, David Taylor's Papamoa NZ fb  
2014-12-18 Montgolfiere Max and Gareth Max's Papamoa NZ    
2014-12-18 Kings of Air and Steam Max, Matt, PK and Gareth Max's Papamoa NZ    
2014-12-18 Rush and Crush Max, Matt, PK and Gareth Max's Papamoa NZ    
2014-12-18 Pirate's Cove Max, Matt, PK, Sean and Gareth Max's Papamoa NZ    
2014-12-24 World Without End Gail and Ne OSV NZ    
2015-01-15 Lewis and Clark Max, Russell and Jamie Max's Papamoa NZ fb x
2015-01-22 Gods 2 Martin, Dave, Harris and Matt Taylor's Papamoa NZ   Martin's
2015-01-26 Gods 2 - vers 2 Martin, Max and Clayton Max's Papamoa NZ   Martin's
2015-01-26 Ars Brassica Martin, Max and Clayton Max's Papamoa NZ   Martin's
2015-02-03 Ars Brassica - vers 2 and 3 Martin and Max Martin's Katikati NZ   Martin's
2015-02-03 Gods 2 - vers 3 Martin and Max Martin's Katikati NZ   Martin's
2015-02-12 Massillia Kim, PK and Matt Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2015-02-12 Versailles Kim, PK and Matt Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2015-02-12 Alien Frontiers Kim and Sean Kim's Tauranga NZ   x
2015-02-26 City of Gods Martin and Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ   Martin's
2015-02-27 Ticket To Ride Nederland Gail, Bev and Colleen OSV NZ   x
2015-03-01 A Handful of Stars * Kim, Martin and Sean Kim's Tauranga NZ   Martin's/x
2015-03-01 Detective Kim, Martin and Sean Kim's Tauranga NZ   Martin's
2015-03-05 Genoa Kim, Sean, Craig and Harris Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2015-04-02 Keyflower Martin, Ang, and Harris Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2015-04-08 Time of Tears Martin and Max Martin's Katikati NZ   Martin's
2015-04-09 Dominant Species Russell and Andre Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2015-04-23 Betrayal at the House on the Hill Kim, Max and Andres Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2015-08-09 Birmingham Brass Kim, Clayton and Martin Kim's Tauranga NZ   Martin's/x
2015-08-23 King of New York Kim, Clayton and Gail OSV NZ    
2016-01-21 Steel Driver Martin, Ezra, Tilman, Frenchie Taylor's Papamoa NZ   Martin's
2016-01-22 A Handful of Stars Ver 2 * Martin and Lee Martin's Katikati NZ   Martin's/x
2016-01-22 AuZtralia Martin and Lee Martin's Katikati NZ   Martin's
2016-01-27 Agricola Ian, Gail and Ne OSV NZ   x
2016-02-21 Thunder Alley Clayton and Gail OSV NZ   x
2016-03-03 Steampunk Rally Max, Martin, big guy, Kim, Keith Taylor's Papamoa NZ    
2016-03-07 Kingdom Builders - Nomads Gail, Ne OSV NZ fb x
2016-03-10 Age of Empires III Max. Kim, Paris, Sean and Tilman Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2016-03-15 AuZtralia Version 2 Martin, Kim and Dave Taylor's Papamoa NZ   Martin's
2016-04-07 Concordia - Salt expansion Martin, Kim, Tilman and Max Kim's Tauranga NZ   x
2016-04-07 Golden Ages Kim, Tilman and Max Kim's Tauranga NZ   x
2016-05-05 Mombasa Kim, Tilman and Sean Kim's Tauranga NZ fb x
2016-05-20 Onward To Venus David, Ne and Gail OSV NZ   Martins/x
2016-09-01 Distant Worlds Martin, Sean and Tilman Kim's Tauranga NZ   Martin's
2016-09-01 Nippon Sean, Tilman and Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2016-09-03 Fresco Gail and Ne OSV NZ   x
2016-09-15 Distant Worlds - version 2  Martin, Sean and Tilman Tillman's Tauranga NZ   Martin's
2016-09-15 Lancaster Sean and Tilman Tillman's Tauranga NZ   x
2016-10-27 Castles of Burgundy Sean and Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ fb x
2016-11-01 TTR - Martin Wallace's  Sean, Chris, Martin and Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ   Martin's
2016-11-03 Terraforming Mars Martin, Kim, Sean and Jamie Kim's Tauranga NZ    
2016-12-01 Spartacus Sean, Dave, Max, Jamie and Danny Sean's, Tauranga NZ    
2017-02-14 Istanbul - Letter and Seal Gail and Ne OSV NZ fb x
2017-02-16 Article 27 Sean, Max, Dave, Duane and Jamie Max's Mt Maungnui NZ    
2017-02-23 Homeland the Game Sean, Max, Dave and Gareth Max's Mt Maungnui NZ    
2017-03-23 Game of Thrones Sean, Max, Dave, Gareth and Kim Kim's Tauranga NZ
2017- Istanbul - Coffee Gail and Ne OSV NZ   x
2017- A Handful of Stars * Gail, David and Ne OSV NZ   Martins/x
2017- Terraforming Mars - Elysium Gail and Ne OSV NZ   x
2017- Terraforming Mars - Hellas Gail and Ne OSV NZ   x
2018- Terraforming Mars - Venus Next Gail and Ne OSV NZ   x
2018- Shipwrights of the North Sea Gail, David and Ne OSV NZ   x
2018-03-29 Finca Gail and Bev Bev's NZ    
2018- Concordia - Corsica expansion Gail and Ne OSV NZ   x
2018-07-16 Castles of Mad King Ludwig Gail and Bev Bev's NZ   x
2018-09-05 Dominion - Nocturne Gail and Ne OSV NZ   x
2018-10-12 Brass - Lancashire Gail, David and Ne OSV NZ   Martins/x
2018-12-03 Prelude to Terraforming Mars Gail and Ne OSV NZ   x
2018-12-13 Secrets of Mad King Ludwig Gail, Bev and Colleen Bev's NZ   x
2018-12-14 Azul Gail, Clayton and Ellie OSV NZ   x
2018-12-17 Kingdominoes Gail, Ian and Susi White's Waiuku NZ    
2020-01-28 Century Spice Road Gail, Ian and Susi OSV NZ    
  Wingspan Gail and Ne OSV NZ    
  Wingspan - Europe Gail and Ne OSV NZ    
  Wingspan - Oceana Gail and Ne OSV NZ    
  Moonghla Invaders Gail and Ne OSV NZ    
  Architects of the Collesium Gail and Ne OSV NZ    
  Castles of Tuscany Gail and Ne OSV NZ    
  Dominion - Intrigue          
  Dominion - Seaside           
Dominion - Menagerie