Date     City Country
1946-12-03 Vienna Spitalgasse My birth Vienna Austria
1954-12-09 Deaconess Chris' birth Minneapolis USA
195x- St Barnabas Chris in Oxygen tank Minneapolis USA
1960-04-17 Redwood Area Hospital Visit Dorothy Kodet Redwood Falls, MN USA
1964-7 Methodist guests from Holiday Inn St Louis Park, MN USA
1969-12-18 North Hawaii Community Hospital Laringitis and stomache pain Waimea, BI, HI USA
1970-73 Colonial War Memorial Mere - blood tests - x-rays(73) - Fran (70) Suva Fiji
1974-1976 Obstetrics  David and Renee - birth Papakura NZ
1977-09-07 Lavington Trust (Mater Misericodiae) Ne grommets ($16) Auckland NZ
1978-03-08 Lavington Trust J - septoplasty Auckland NZ
1979-05-22 Middlemore eye muscle check Manukau NZ
1984-05-03 Ramsey  MMPI test St Paul, MN USA
1984-08-02 Mounds Park Gail tubal Mounds Park, MN USA
1990-1997 VA tour w Towns /  Bill - blood Prescott, AZ USA
1991+2002 Yavapai Medical Center Joyce Prescott, AZ USA
1992-01-29 Rawhini Private Gail resection Mt Eden NZ
1994- Auckland David A Auckland NZ
1993-04-17 Selwyn Doug - nervous breakdown Auckland NZ
1993-10-27 Adventist J - medial meniscectomy left knee Remeura, Auckland NZ
1994-11-05 Mercy Irritable Bowel Auckland NZ
1995-06-27 Starship visit David Alderson Auckland NZ
1996-06-25 Adventist hysterectomy Remeura, Auckland NZ
1996- Middlemore Betty A / Pat Alderson Manukau NZ
1997-01-29 Rawhini G - D+C Auckland NZ
1999-04-22 Brightside Ne - Tonsils Auckland NZ
2000-05-12 Auckland Surgical Centre Ne - shoulder Auckland NZ
2003-01-13 Otago Gail's head tumor Dunedin NZ
2003-07-14 Auckland Surgical Centre Gail's arm lump Auckland NZ
2006-12-10 Mercy Trish Auckland NZ
2008-2009 Middlemore Gail, Roseanne, Mike H, Helen W Manukau NZ
2008-2009 Super Center me, Gail Manukau NZ
2009-01-30 Franklin Memorial Hospital Gail Pukekohe NZ
2010-09-26 Ascot Gail - tumor Remuera NZ
2011-08-22 Brightside J - prostate Auckland NZ
2012-2019 Grace J - lump from right leg - BNI - ATOMS Sling Tauranga NZ
2013-2014 Tauranga J - Ultrasounds - cystoscopy - bladder Neck Incision Tauranga NZ