Person Relation Thesis Place Country
Steve Malecek cousin International Water Law U of Dundee Scotland
Dave Woodward Fiji friend International Cambridge USA
Pete Johnston PCV     England
Mary Ann Morley PCV Family Therapy Purdue USA
Mike Martin PCV Neuroscience U of Bristol England
Dorothy Collins Mike G friend Chemistry   NZ
Denice Gould co-worker   NZ Steel - Safety Dept NZ
Senad Rothkegel friend not completed   OZ
Titania Tau friend psychology   OZ
Sean Tate PC Instructor International Development and Education U of Pittsburgh USA
Dick Moody PC Instructor Organic Science Case University USA
Kerry Spackman Rosehill teacher Neuroscience   NZ
Murray Heasley Fiji friend Pacific History Otago University NZ
Karin Koller Anna's daughter     UK
Vilsoni Tausie student/friend Literature and Language U of Hawaii USA
Paris Williams gamer Psychology Saybrook University USA
Brian McDonnell Rosehill teacher Medium Studies U of Auckland NZ
Lance Craighead PCV Grizzly Bear genetics Montana State University USA
Lyle Malotky classmate Polymer Science University of Akron USA
Gulya from Turkey met at airport   San Fransico USA
Michael Whistler student/friend philosophy Dunedin University NZ
Betty Smallwood PCV English   USA
Mark Schiffer PCV Education Florida Tech USA
Ethel Lesser Tom's mother Archeology Charles University, Prague CZ
Keith Holborrow Rosehill teacher Physics   NZ
Susan Gadsby PC language Counselling Florida   USA
Nancy Vall friend Education   USA
Julie Davis student  Biology   NZ
Terry Shannon  NZ Steel Chemistry   NZ