2003 - No. 5         www.malecek.com          May - Aug 2003
sprinkles    MINNESOTA TWINS   listen
Been listening to radio broadcast of the Twins games on the Internet for a few years now. There is a feature called “Answerman” where a listener emails a question.  The “color” man, Dan Gladdin, is very opinionated and likes to have players “put on a game face” and be tough. So I sent in the following question: “How many times did Dan get ejected from a game while with the Twins?”  It was used and I won a $50 voucher for a meal at a fancy restaurant in Minneapolis.  But even better was the reaction it got when asked. Luckily, I can re-play any game at any time, so I was able to tape the answering.  Unfortunately, I forgot to mention that I was in New Zealand.  You can hear it by clicking on the logo.

Gail had a scan and it seems that the tumor is the same size but less dense. She will have another scan in a year and we'll know better then.  But for now we are assuming that the treatment is a success. She also had an operation with more immediate results.  Had a 2 pound lump removed from her upper left arm. That was an easy check-in, slice 'n dice and check-out within 4 hours.  But she does sport a 10” scar now; so she now has the tattoo that she always wanted.

Managed to finally get a builder friend to do a little work for us. There is a housing explosion in Auckland and not enough tradesmen to meet the demand.  Graeme converted our garage loft into two rooms and Ne moved there (exiting our lounge where she had been for half a year).  She now has a studio to do her painting. Stephanie went to France during our winter and we renovated her room while she was gone.  Had the vaulted ceiling and walls insulated and covered. I also sealed off the two crawl spaces making them airtight and dust proof.

  enlarge   enlarge   enlarge                 Loft Before               Graeme During               ;     and After

  enlarge   enlarge   enlarge                 Steph's                                   Room                    Crawl Space

  I was referred by Trish to a family who needed computer help. Little did I know that I would lose my heart.  Fell in love with 5 year old Jasmine and her family.
enlarge  Jasmine has a problem with her muscles lacking energy and can’t walk unaided. And she is slow with most physical things.  She has a mystical aura that we decided to call “sprinkles” - she sprinkles those who meet her with joy and love. I soon became addicted to those sprinkles. enlarge All Dolled Up

 But wait, there’s more.  She has an adorable younger sister and brother who became my playmates when I would visit.
  The Gnome and Abigail

enlarge        B O N N I E     enlarge Malley Muses
   We finally gave in and allowed Ne to get a dog.  A nine year old poodle named Bonnie.  Loves Ne, carrots, sweet corn and dead flies. She is able to learn new tricks.  Friendly to everyone including Chardy and PudPud.  But mostly loves to play, go for walks and ride in the car.  Honks the horn if left in a vehicle. Do vegetarians eat Burger Rings, bacon or chicken flavored potato chips?  Come to think of it why would anyone eat chips that taste like chicken???  So what’s next, lamb chips, hotdog flavored ice cream, meatloaf cakes, pork Jell-O???
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