2004 - No. 4         www.malecek.com          Sept - Nov 2004
Gail Does

    Actually a bit more than that in the two weeks she spent in the States in Sept.  Most of the time with her mother in New Ulm, Minnesota. There she was able to catch up with a few old friends and a heap of relatives. enlarge Chuck and Inez enlarge Part of Heaps
But for one week she was either on her way to, at or on her way back from Branson, Missouri. Drove down with her mother and two aunts and met up with another aunt who drove up from Texas.  They saw 7 shows in 3 days (Delene, Haywoods [Gail's favorite], Hughes Brothers...)

enlarge enlarge
Shoji Toilet  -  Presleys
We weren’t surprised at all when she arrived back in NZ with a suitcase full of Corelle dishes. enlarge
The Krohn Sisters
M Scam
Hi Mr J Doe,
We here at Malley-Scam would like to send you a very valuable birthday gift. Please send us $US125, so we can give you something really special. Hundreds of others have already marvelled at the item. We are certain you would not want to miss out on this chance to receive a noteworthy present. Just think how your friends will envy you.  So do not hesitate, send the very small amount to Malley-Scam, that's MALLEY-SCAM.

  I sent the above note out this year for birthdays and anniversaries and here are some of the replies:

1. Hot damm.  David has mentioned to me that I really should have a credit card.  I see now why - it would to enable me easily to take advantage of such exciting offers!!  What I pity I will not be able to marvel.  Ah well c'est la vie.

2. great.....!, do you take VISA. i'll post my account details on my public site so you can take the money out for this great offer. please include me any other malley scams and i would like to recieve all malley scam and subsidiary promotions in the future.

3. Thank you for your kind offer, my cheque is in the mail!!!! Ho ho ho!!

4. Thanks. Please send account details, so I can deposit the money and receive the gift.

5. I wondered whether you might like to approach, Nigeria, with that proposal could work.

6. I'm sorry it has taken me nearly a month to thank you for the note.  I'm sorry about the $125--I had spent it before I realized you would need it.

7. The Very best scam of all

8. We would love to send you the money as you have requested for our 19th Anniversary Present, but we aren't really celebrating that big this year, so it seems that such a marvelous gift, making all our neighbors and friends jealous, would just not be appropriate. But thanks so much for the offer! We do appreciate your thoughtfulness!!

9. As to your Malley-Scam for my birthday -- I'm not buying it!!!! HA Thanks for the greeting.

enlarge GF Malley Muses
Guy Fawkes bonfire and fireworks have taken on a new meaning for us as the 5th of November is also Kelcie’s birthday. enlarge Kelcie  This year was extra special because Matthew and Leah showed up from Australia unannounced. After a meal at Whites enlarge spectators it was over to our paddocks for a display put on by the 3 Stooges and then roasting marshmellows in the fire.      When it’s raining it is called a “rainbow”. So has anyone ever seen one when it is snowing — the elusive “SNOWBOW” ?

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