Newsy loves Australian Vittoria Coffee so much that he brought two bags of the stuff back to Montana.
Roché agrees with me that instant Coffee is not real coffee.
Lesser tells me that the state drink of Rhode Island is “Coffee Milk” and is available at all lunch counters and most cafes. And one can buy Coffee syrup at grocery stores.
Te reports that Air New Zealand serves instant Coffee on its local flights.
My brother sent along a can of Butter Nut Coffee when David returned from Minnesota in July 1999.
At the pump:
$NZ 2.55/litre
$NZ9.82/gal ($US6.26) |
I have known a few Artists, varying in skill level. The first one I knew was Steve Tinker, who I met in Junior High. At that age he was pretty good and even had a piece in an exhibition and I went to see it. Moving onto high school there was Mike Donlin and Lou Grams (his works featured on the school yearbook covers). We were in the Art Club run by Brother Clarence.
The there were the Art Teachers (including me, eh?). Miss Mayer tried to teach me for two years in Jr High. At QVS in Fiji Ivan Roscoe, Neil Grant and John Murphy were painters. John has moved on jade carving these days. His son, Shaun, followed in his footsteps. At Rosehill College there was a bunch of teachers. Al Drum from England was a hard case...every lunch he had a cheese sandwich upon which he would dump tons of salt. George Hawkins specialized in photography and left the school to be the Mayor of Papakura and later the Minister of Police. Later on his wife taught Renee as did Leslie Brown. Eleanor Bateman was a painter. Martin Dabb was a short fun guy in the staffroom. And finally, Tessa Scott. Elsewhere there was Judith Gordon, a friend of Brundell, who had lived in Rhode Island before moving to NZ. One of Steph’s landlords, Bev Labermon, was a biy flakey and loved wine. Moving on to The Mount we got to know Christa Koller who was tutor. Gail was in an village art group that was led by a lively Rob Mcgregor. At a B&B near Mt Peale, Utah we met Max Lavine who taught in Michigan. Finally, Chris Mack who we met at Matt’s wedding.
Moving along with the times we run into Graphic Artists. First one is Ken Stone, who was married to my step-sister Judy. A fellow, Chris Breeze, I met at QVS when he was two has grown into a big time artist doing CGI and animation in Australia. My second-cousin, Julie plies her skills doing advertising layouts, as does a friend Brad G. My cousin Suzie’s son does art work for Creative Memories.
In the Board Game group I belonged to there was a truly great artist, Kim, who won so many competitions that he was banned from entering. Max’s forte was spray painting on walls and bottom of swimming pools.
And I must mention that Gail has done stained glass among other attempts over the years. Newsy made jewelry out of opal and his wife is doing watercolors. Friend, Louise, dabbles. Friend, Colleen, is good at pastels. And a former student of mine is an excellent sketch artist. Renee is a great painter of her own style and has sold at a couple exhibitions. She met Stephanie at a Tech art course. Steph moved in with us for a few years. She is a phenomenal detailed realist.
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Malley MusesWomen
Back in 1970, in Fiji, I had a short stint as a drummer in a staff band at Queen Victoria School. We made the drum kit out of the cadets’ marching drums, physics lab stands and bamboo sticks (photo).
My friend Norm Peters was drummer in a band formed by us at university. Mike’s daughter, Alex, had a drum kit for awhile. Donald Amundson lived behind us in Papakura in 1974-5 and his band played in his garage. He was the drummer and also on my basketball team.
I guess it “drums” in the family as David was a drummer in the Papakura Brass Band a couple years. They performed a few times and guess who had to transport the big bass drum (photo)? We bought a drum kit and he had private lessons, so he was better than me.
Over the years I have noted that when Gail is on the phone with someone who is coming to visit that day, they spend a long time talking.
Why don’t they just wait until they are together?