
Its official...I am old, at least according to my doctor. My left knee really hurt and I had trouble doing our daily walk. Finally when the pain kept me awake all night I went to see the doc who told me it was just old age" and then had me go thru five lab tests. . So I stayed off my feet for a few days and then we headed out for camping on the eastern coast of Coromandel peninsula near Tairua. We were in a beautiful spot called Broken Hills. After we set up camp we drove the 13 km to Tairua to check out the beaches and climbed to the top of the local lookout hill to get our bearings. Then we checked in with Aldersons, who were staying at a motel for the week.

Following day was our big adventure with the oldies. The area was gold territory, and there are mines and tunnels galore to explore. And that is just what we did for about four hours. Nothing unusual for my family, but James, 8, and David, 5, had never done a walk longer than 20 minutes. You can guess who was complaining all the way. But the long climb up was rewarded with excursions into and thru tunnels until we got to the long 500m tunnel which was an adventure in itself to walk thru with flashlights at the ready. On the way down Doug was showing off by bouncing on a 2"x4" plank that broke sending him head first backwards down into a ravine. I went after him immediately and he was very lucky that the only thing he hurt was his pride. Seemed to be in a little shock, but by the time we got back down to the camp he was all right and spent an hour in the warm stream with the rest of us.

Next day we joined them at a beautiful white sand beach for surfing before we headed home. Just a short trip to check out the place and next summer we plan on spending a week there.

I was lucky to make that long hike, because the day after we got home I was weeding in the garden and when I got up from kneeling my left knee tore. So on our next camping trip to Kaueranga Valley I wasn't able to join in on any of the hikes. We had the Whites along, so we got in a lot of bridge playing. Weather was good right up until we left.

Specialist said that it's probably a torn cartilage. So I am on the waiting list for an orthoscopy. So since then I take it easy and walk when I can. Still go surfing and swimming. Knee throbs once in awhile. Could go private and have the operation right away...like the football players in the States: tear a knee one Sunday and back playing the next. But since I'm not working thought we would go the free way and I'll just wait for a year or so. Probably heal on its own, like a sprained ankle does. The good news is that my injury is considered an accident and therefore the government picks up 90% of costs with the operation completely covered.

I said in previous Mallie-Gram that 1992 was coldest year. Feb was our coldest in past 17 years. It hasn't been much of a summer for us and March is no better. Had a cyclone come through and shake things up a bit.

It was finally our turn to have the Trivial Pursuit crowd over and it. Went well much to Gail's relief. That was the beginning of Gail' s birthday weekend. On Saturday we went to Sizzler where we met Pat and Doug. On Sunday we went to Miranda Hot Springs with Whites, and niece who had just. arrived from Scotland that morning. The Thames Country Music Club was entertaining the large crowd. Ne had them wish Gail a "Happy Birthday" and then play her favorite song of last year: "Achy Breaky Heart". So it should be a birthday that she will remember for awhile.

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