
Another "small world" thing happened to us. Our very first friend in NZ and our kids' Godmother, Kathy Sanders, applied for the librarian job at Rosehill. She had taught with Gail when we first arrived and more recently she had been the assistant librarian at the other high school in town. So, I was able to find out all the background on why current one was leaving and together we spent a few nights making up a winning resume. Which worked and now 20 years later she is my workmate. That means Gail sees more of her too since she stops in for coffee once in awhile on her walk home past our place.

Meanwhile her husband, Mike, was installing our cupboard benches. We only see these people a few times a year and then all of a sudden we see them almost daily. And then if that isn't enough, I won the second prize in a fundraiser for the school - it was a clothes basket filled with food and drinks. About $80 in value. I was really surprized, of course; and Ne wanted to eat all the goodies when we got it home. But the kicker is that Kathy calls that night and tells me that she had won 1st Place - a $200 basket. Like I said, small world. Our lives crossed so closely there for a month.

Each year we have to renew our car license (like tabs in the States) only here we have to put the sticker on the windshield. Main problem is that you have to put it on the outside and they get stolen. I always tape ours onto the inside. But now the police can stop anyone at random, so I decided to put the sticker on the outside, so as to avoid any hassles or fines. Sure enough, it was stolen. I don't know how they do it cause when I remove the old ones it is almost impossible to scrape away. Anyway, I feared the cost of having to replace the sticker - costs $208 for the original. Had to fill out a two-sided form and show proof of original sticker. Brought my checkbook along..., but it was only 25 cents. I am sure that wouldn't cover the cost of the sticker, let alone the form and the clerk's time...but I'm not going to complain. Only thing I lose out on is a little time.

The senior art students had an exhibition at school and Ne's big masterpiece was a full-sized surfboard made in paper-Mache with a beach scene painted onto it. It is going to be displayed in the school library next year. She had many other pieces of work including some from her photography class on display. We went for a browse with the Whites. And then went out for a meal. Our annual celebration on the anniversary of Whites arrival in NZ back in Oct 1987. A chance for us to get dressed up and get away from the kids once a year.

Then the next day we headed out to Maraetai Beach where the Aldersons were spending the week in a "bach". In fact same one they were at last year, so this looks like it will become an annual event too. Doug was even mumbling about buying the place. But he hates to part with money so we don't listen. A couple walks along the beach, some swimming, a little ping pong and darts with their boys and fish 'n chips for supper. A relaxing day at the beach. This year we didn't stay over night. In fact, poor David didn't come along. Since he has this job, he is missing out on activities and we are having to adjust to his not being with us.

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