Updated: Sep 8, 2013
Date The Moment
8 July 1968 Darrell and I begin a cribbage match to 10,000 (don't think we finished).
8 Nov 1970 Teach Murray and Peter to play cribbage.
13 Aug 1972 The first game Gail and I played.
16 Aug 1972 Gail was skunked for the first time.
21 Aug 1972 Gail was skunked twice.
16 Oct 1972 Three skunks.
23 Nov 1972 Gail double skunks me.
1 Feb 1973 Gail was skunked twice and she refused to play a third time.
4 Feb 1975 Gail was skunked twice.
6 Jan 1980 Gail skunked me twice and then I skunked her.
29 June 1981 I came up with a 9 point peg on last card of play to hit 119, but still lost to Curt.
16 Oct 1981 Skunked Paul and he threw the skunk trophy into the waste basket.
28 June 1982 Had great hands and built a big lead and I was going to skunk both Paul and Curt.
But Curt got two big counts and won.
23 Jan 1992 Gail was skunked three times.
9 Oct 1992 Gail wins 1000th game.
11 Nov 1992 Gail double skunked for 1st time.
9 Feb 1993 Buy plush skunk.
10 Sep 1993 Gail skunks me two times.
31 July 1996 Biggest point spread:  Gail double skunked me 140-60
29 Aug 2000 I break the half-million points mark
Dec 25, 1996
24 Jan 2001 Skunk Gail, 126 - 90, much to her disgust because she had failed
to notice that three 8's were showing and could have gotten another 2 points
had she played her 8 instead of the 10. My 400th skunk.
6 Mar 2001 Our combined points reach ONE MILLION.
18 Dec 2001 I finally double-skunked Gail - she had escaped twice at 62.
13 Mar 2006 I skunk Gail for the 500th time.
29 Jan 2007 Double skunk Gail 124 - 39 for a new largest point spread and new all-time low score.
12 Apr 2013 I reached 1,000,000 points.
8 Sept 2013 Gail reached 1,000,000 points.