While I was at Rosehill doing the computers I adopted a few student helpers.
Steven showed up one day, filled with enthusiasm, and I never could get rid of him.
Each day he would arrive with a big smile and ready to fix any problem.
I guess he must've been okay because when he left Rosehill to go to tech, I convinced
the school to put him on the payroll and he would come in once a week to help out.
His nana made small papier mache figures, so I asked if she could make me a bust of Goofy.
A year later I was presented with a three foot high standing Goofy, which is easily my
largest, if not best item in my collection.
Steve finished tech, tried a normal job at a computer outfit, but has ended up back at the Papakura New World Supermarket, where by day he is the Frozen
Foods manager. But at night he turns into his alter-ego, Sidey. Sidey is the man behind FRAG, a computer network games group.