Hello everyone (Nov 2003)

I was lying in bed worrying about when I'd find the time to write to everyone and decided there was no time like the present, so if this seems a bit garbled at times it's because it's 5am in the morning. Unfortuately my Hotmail account became overloaded and they wiped everything, so I lost all the letters that I wanted to answer.

Even though I never seem to have a spare minute, I'm actually leading a very stressfree life in Christchurch. Have become a TV addict. Have been addicted to Monarch of the Glen, Born and Bred & the Braithwaites (three great British comedies). Then of course there's all the cooking, gardening and home programes etc. Also seem to go to the movies every week, the last two were Calender Girls and Two Men went to War, both good for a laugh. Always go to dinner at my favourite cafe at the Art Centre afterwards. Let my hair grow very long over winter to keep my ears and neck warm, but it's very short now - summer has definitely arrived. Enjoyed spring immensely. The Cherry trees were amazing. Standing underneath the pink and white blossoms looking up to a brilliant blue sky excites me every time. Would certainly hate to be blind. Brent, Bev and I all sponsor a Guide Dog puppy now. At least that must make life a little easier for someone. Perhaps it's something you could also think of doing. The rhododendrons are fabulous now. Every colour of the rainbow. The Laburnum trees are just dripping with long yellow racemes. Flag irises and roses have just started and the peony roses are wonderful. Went on a garden tour on Saturday and there's another in two weeks time. Have also been to two country Christmas Fetes with about 150 stalls. Both on beautiful farms. A lovely way to spend a day. Strolling around in the sun, spending lots of money, sitting eating, watching the dancing and listening to the various musical entertainment. Certainly didn't want to come back to work. Still working at the Art Print shop (haven't won Lotto or met a rich man yet).

Had a great time up in Auckland for 10 days in October, catching up with family and friends. Had said to Brent the week before that I could never live in Auckland again, but it felt like I was coming home when the plane landed, so who knows. Guess I could even get used to the traffic again. (They definitely drive 10 klms faster in Auckland). It was Mum's 85th birthday, so Kathleen and Dave came over from Perth with Isabelle, her first great grand-daughter and Brent and Simone flew up from Christchurch too. It was lovely having everyone together. I also managed to have lots of morning teas, lunches and afternoon teas with my girlfriends, and did some dancing too - a great week! Bev's other daughter, Jana, was due to have her little girl last Friday, so I'm waiting for a phone call. Lyn and Brent are both very well. Lyn and Warren had a 3 week holiday in Canada in September and Brent and Simone went to Adelaide and Melbourne.

Thank you to everyone who sent cards and best wishes for my birthday.
Now for all those who wanted the latest gossip. I'm flatting with a guy, my age!, and we get on extremely well. Go everywhere and do everything together (well, not quite everything).  Seriously though, it's nice to have someone who is happy to go for a walk with me every day or a drive just to look at the flowers and trees that I love so much.  Those of you who are single will understand. His name is Wynne, so would you believe the house is full of Winnie the Pooh animals.  He cooks dinner every night, so he's definitely my kind of man!

Hope all is well.
Love Colleen