TALLY (30): First: 13 - Second: 3 - Third: 4 - Lower: 10 | ||
5 Aug 2011 | Waiuku Rugby Club | |
Coxie's Crazies John, Ian, Jason, Doug, Helen, Jenny & Brian | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
Was a team of Waiuku College teachers (I had taught night class there). Twelve teams and everyone seemed to be resigned to losing to us. We did very well with two perfect rounds helping us reach a 78.5 score. Ian got a couple wrong (forcing us to change from Indonesia to FM and mixing up aglet) but was helpful. I was amazing myself that I was doing so well and was able to give the team answers that no one else knew. Doug, from Canada, and I should have gotten Candlestick Park right for the 49er's. All in all it was a true team effort and we recieved a bottle of wine and bar of chocolate. | ||
18 Oct 2008 | Papakura Bowling Club | |
Clarks of the Course Leighton, Jenny, John, Gail, Fiona, Duncan, Mike, Sandy & Charlotte | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
This was like a mystery tour for me and Gail as we only knew that it was at the bowling club, so we assumed that it was a fund raiser for that and that Leighton put together a team. Turned out to be Harcourts staff party and every other team wore costumes. We were provided with non-stop wine and chips. Had a good start winning the first round and remained in top 3 thereon. Mike did his thing naming car badges. I got URL wrong, but did contribute some correct answers, especially in the Word Play round (couldn't figure out JOANB). We also had to name a mystery person with a clue given each round. We held off until certain and it was these points that actually let us win. Meanwhile, Sandy and Gail were knitting as the table with the longest piece got 5 points. We came well short having a late start. Was a rollicking evening as the booze flowed and a table of fantasy characters broke out into "hi ho hi ho..." to be countered by the Megabytes rendition of 'Olay olay...". Leighton collected a trophy (photo video) and each of us received a Harcourts satchel with a bottle of wine inside. | ||
19 Aug 2005 | College Hall | |
Nuts: Ian, Su, John, Gail, Ann, Russell & Nick | ||
Placing: 4th | ||
Not as many as last year (maybe because it ended after midnight). We used our joker on the music round and got 20pts. But only after Ian put his $5 on the line and got the Blue Danube answer changed to Strauss from Bach - that also earned us a bag of candy. We continued to do well and were in first place going into the Sports round and we blew it big. Ended up 3 points behind 1st. I picked up some golf balls. Ann won a spot prize for knowing how many hurdles need to be standing at end of race (zero). And I finally know that Harry Potter's owl is named Edwig. ticket | ||
5 Mar 2004 | College Hall | |
Bad Taste: Ian, John, Gail, Ann, Russell, Alistair & Maureen | ||
Placing: 3rd | ||
Monster crowd of 330 people and about 30 teams. So it was a loud evening and Hugo the Boer was even louder over the mike. We made an average start of 6 or 7 through Waiuku, Film & TV and History before scoring 9 in Music. At the half way mark we were in 4th. We held onto our joker until the Arts round where we had 9 (didn't know that Klingon blood was purple, eh?) and that put us into 3rd where we remained despite getting a 10 on the final round of General Knowledge. 6 points behind the teachers' team who always seem to win. ticket | ||
7 Mar 2003 | College Hall | |
Jackie Made Us Come: Jackie, John, Tracy, Scott, Emilie & Elan | ||
Placing: 3rd | ||
A real challenge as Emilie from France and Elna from So Africa had never played. But they caught on fast and came through providing answers when needed. We used our joker on TV & Films where we got two wrong. But still it was good enough to find us in 2nd at the end of round 8. We did poorly on sport as expected and dropped to third where we hung on to be beaten by only six points to a team of 8 teachers (including turncoat Ian) and 3 students. Our best round was 9½ for Reading & Language. Had an interesting "American" auction where what you bid was inmediately collected, so David Tennet ended up bidding $20 then $22.50 to get the item. Jackie was able to answer where Beckham was seen in the movie "Bend it Like Beckham" - and for that she chose a sparkly blue wind chime. photo - ticket - rounds | ||
14 Sept 2001 | Waiuku Civic Center | |
Saki's Magnificent 7: Ian, Jackie, John, Gail, Renee, Saki, Doug A. & Marcia | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
A new experience for Marcia. We did very good on Local & Current Events and even manged a respectable 8 on the tennis round. Full marks on the entertainment round. We played our joker on the 4th round and got another 10 but the quizmaster wouldn't budge on her two errors: 1) saying that Korea united in 1976 (Vietnam) 2) saying that "Nippon" is not what Japanese call their country. So we got 16 instead of 20, but did pull into first at this stage. I overrode Doug and Marcia's "endoscope" with "orthoscope" and we lost that point and I only remember that garlic was a member of the lily family after it was too late. But we still got 8 on Science and Nature. Perfect score on History round. I won a bottle of chardonnay in a heads/tails game. This & That round gave us a 9 (Doug told me Sterling Moss was dead in 1963, but he was alive and in "Casino Royale"). We made 9½ on Religion round. At this point the MC asked a member of our table to stand - I did. she wanted to know why we only had 88½ out of 100. I told I agreed that we should have 100% but she had ruled so many of our correct answer as wrong... Then to prove it in the Languages, Literature & Arts we got them all correct, but were only given 8??? Going into the final round, Sports, we had a 9½ lead, meaning we only needed to get one right to win. We had our worst score, 6. She ended the evening with questions for a Crunchie candy bar - open to everyone. I knew agave is plant used to make tequila and I knew the answer to the next one - 2 candy bars, so I decided to let others have a chance, but when no one knew I told the answer to Ne and she got a candy bar. And for our reward? We each received a travel mug. ticket | ||
9 Sept 2000 | Pukekohe Hockey Club | |
Famous Five + 2: Ian, John, Gail, Shirley & Kieran K., Paul M. & Robert | ||
Placing: 4th | ||
We answered a last minute call by Saki (who didn't even come) to join a team. When only Shirley and her young son, Keiran arrived we decided upon "Famous Five" for the team name, only to be joined by the emcee's brother, Paul and a Robert. A couple kids from another table thought we were in charge and asked us what was going to happen, told us their team name and then bribed me with a bag of chips for an answer. I didn't want to disappoint them, so I said that "3" was an answer. First round were items from the local historic museum and we had to decide what was their use. Then a page of faces to name and a page of logos. We were far back with 26, 11 behind the leader. We managed to hold ground during the NZ settlements, Dingbats and NZ breweries (didn't know that Ranfurly was brewed in Papakura) thanks to the Kiwis on the team. Then we made our big move on the music round getting the highest score and moving in to 2nd place. But our joy was short lived because the next round was ThinkBlots and we had to decide what most people saw out of three choices. We only got 3 right. Then we watched 8 oldtime ads and answered questions about what we saw and heard. One was the beginning of a "CHIPS" episode which introduced Ponch's new partner, Bobby Nelson. But everyone in the room including the person deciding what was right said that it was Ponch and Jon. Perfect example of mass hysteria. To cut a long story short, we were 1½ behind 3rd (Dennis Gadd's steel mill team). The questions weren't true Trivial Pursuit in nature, so it was a refreshing change for the old brain cells. Gail won a door prize = bottle of bubbly. | ||
1 Sept 2000 | Waiuku Civic Centre | |
International Conspiracy: Ian, John, Gail, Mike H., Ann H., Roche & Shirley | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
This was a first time for Roché and Shirley, so I imagine that they probably threw in the towel after the third round when we had a meager 12 out of 30. A low Local Knowledge/Current Affairs score was expected, but only 4 for Science & Technology was bad. We really blew our chances when we used our joker in round three, Entertainment. It turned out to be our worst round, even after we talked the judges into giving us a point for the first question. But by the supper break we had clawed our way back into 4th out of the 10 tables, having good results with Geography, Nature and Famous People. We scorched through History and Odds & Ends and found ourselves in first with the dreaded Sports round ahead. Amazingly we got 7 points keeping us just barely ahead of One Kiwi (a steel mill brain trust). I think most of us were surprized when we won. Gail selected a potted plant; me I prefer to be potted so I chose a Pinot Noir. Ian, the source of most answers, settled for a six pack. Where are the Plains of Abraham? | ||
4 Sept 1999 | Ramarama School Hall | |
Sorre Butts: John, Gail, Doug, Jo W., Graeme & Joan P. ∓ Ian. | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
It is amazing that we made it there, let alone win.
Began with a call from Pat to tell us about it. Doug said he would get a hold of Clarks and I would get Ian.
Doug wasn't patient enough to wait for Clarks reply and he pulled in Joan and Graeme, only to have Mike call at the last minute saying "yes".
Mike being absolutely brilliant on sports and a few other areas, Doug was feeling a bit regretful. And it also looked like Ian wouldn't be coming and he is also a wealth of knowledge.
But still we go to have fun, right???
Over to Aldies and now Pat isn't going because she was all worn out from spending night at hospital with their David. But Doug had convinced Jo to come along. So he drew us a map on how to find the Ramarama Hall and he went off to get Jo. It's a black night and we are on back country roads. We follow the map and end up nowhere. So we backtracked to a motel and asked for directions and were told our map was correct. I come out of the place and there is Ian!!! He doesn't know where to go either. So we retrace our route and sure enough there is the hall but no lights on and no cars. About ready to give up and go home when Doug shows up and we follow him to the Ramarama SCHOOL hall, which is on the opposite side of the motorway. We get there 30 minutes late but luckily they were having raffles to kick things off. Our name was because Jo had been out for her first mountain bike ride with Doug. 30km up and down hills and that is how she felt. First round was sports and we did okay, but after the first few rounds we weren't even in the top 4. But then we hit our stride, getting full marks on the music round, moved into first place and stayed there. I was given a rude "sexy purse" because I was one of only two who knew how Catherine the Great died. We won easily and there were the usual mutterings about "professionals" as we went up to get our prizes. And what interesting gifts. Each of the 7 on the team received a bottle of wine, orchids, a tray of fresh vegetables and frozen chicken (Doug and Ian left theirs in their cars overnight). | ||
25 June 1999 | Sandspit School Hall | |
Team: John, Gail, Ann, Russell, Paul, Irene, Ian | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
We won thanks to our Joker round of 9/10 (could have been 10, but they didn't believe me that Mickey Mouse's first name was Mortimer Mouse). I got a bottle of bubbly. | ||
18 June 1999 | Drury School Hall | |
Team: John, Gail and TP regulars | ||
Placing: 2nd | ||
We finished at 84/100 half a point behind the first place team. We each won a bottle of wine. There was a sheriff making up fines for non-sensical reasons. Trish and Doug (not on our team tonight) each won a raffle prize, but suspiciously when they each made the draw. | ||
21 May 1999 | Waiuku College Hall | |
Doug and the Slugs: John, Gail, Doug and Trish, Chris and Chad, Ian and Jackie. | ||
Placing: 8th | ||
Gail won the first door prize: a TAB 7-to-1 odds bet that Vijay Singh will win the Masters. 13 teams so we didn't do that well - probably the Canadians let us down. Or maybe it was the Spanish '97 Jumilla Carchelo that clouded our minds. (video) | ||
7 May 1999 | Sandspit School Gym | |
Team: John, Gail, Lynda R, Barry, Bobby, Noeline L and Toni R. | ||
Placing: 4th | ||
This team made up of Sandpit teachers missed 1st by 6 points. | ||
5 Dec 1998 | Sandspit School Gym | |
Team: John, Gail, Mike & Sandy and Ian | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
Got there at 7:30PM and had a long wait for it to begin. We won it easily, each getting a box of MacIntosh candy and a Lotto Lucky Dip (Gail's won $27). | ||
3 Oct 1998 | Drury School Hall | |
Team: John, Gail, Doug & Trish, Mike & Sandy, Howard & Cathy | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
Got there at 7PM and it didn't start until 8:20PM The MC (Rob Mullins) dinged around so much that it when we stopped for pizza at 9PM we had only finished one round. Only one guy giving out the pizza pieces, garlic bread and serviettes to 23 tables!! MC would repeat the simplest question over and over and then give hints. At one stage when the judges who were useless had a questions about an answer they would come to our table for advice.So dragged out that the rounds were cut from 12 rounds to 8. Dougalls, Su Baker and Dave Ormandy as a team. We won it easily and received towels for our effort. | ||
22 May 1998 | Hall | |
Team: John, Gail, Ian, Bryce Franklin ... | ||
Placing: 4th | ||
Had a cup of Coke® thrown over me, by someone at another table. | ||
11 Apr 1997 | Clubhouse | |
Team: John, Gail, Ann E, Russell, Ian Susi | ||
Placing: 5th | ||
We were in first place the whole time but blew the last two rounds. | ||
5 Apr 1997 | Hall | |
Team: John, Gail, Trish, Doug, Wayne, Noeline | ||
Placing: 4th | ||
Had trouble understanding Sue Cartwright's bloody English accent. Wayne didn't arrive until final round (fishing). We should've finished 2nd and winning wasn't an impossibilty. | ||
6 Sep 1996 | Hall | |
Team: John, Gail, Ian, Ann, Russell + | ||
Placing: 2nd | ||
Had the lead whole way until last round when we were tied. So there was a tie-breaker and we lost (we had Aurel instead of Auel). glasses, cups and Kiwi Scratches. | ||
14 Jun 1996 | Alfriston Hall | |
Team: John, Gail, Ian, Bev and 6 others | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
Four teams of 10. Most of the questions were from TP game so it was very easy for us. We had 87 points vs 75, 73 and 72. Very easy computer acronym round. Music round was good. We played our jiker on the mathematics round and had 8/10. Bev won a flashlight on heads/tails. I chose a stamp inside a paperweight. Gail got a $20 voucher for KFC. ticket | ||
14 Oct 1995 | Rosehill Hall | |
Team: John, Gail, Mike H, Irene, Paul, David Y, Brenda Y, Flo M, Corrine K | ||
Placing: 3rd | ||
Got upset when Kevin asked when Brian Wilson died. He wouldn't accept that he was wrong. I felt like running home and get a book to prove it was Denis. He also claimed that Ringo was the 5th Beatle! Gail won an electric drill playing "heads and tails". Irene won pillow case and duvet. (Ticket) | ||
7 Oct 1995 | St Mary's Church | |
Whiz Kids: John, Gail, Mike C, Sandy, John C, Diane C, Don, Carol | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
Mike got all 15 flags correct. I won a camera, a knife and a butt bag for knowing "6 geese a laying". Gail won hair products for knowing 121 needed to win at cribbage. We got a pair of canldes for having an anniversary in July. We each received a bottle of bubbly and box of candy for winning. | ||
5 Aug 1995 | Papakura Selwyn Church | |
Team: John, Gail, Ian, Ann E | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
Third in-a-row and I thnk they are ready to ban us from future comps as we only got suckers for 1st place. We got a chocoalte coin for being the only team to get Mary Queen of Scotts right. I was the only one to know that a spermologist is a trivia lover. | ||
5 Aug 1995 | Papakura Selwyn Church | |
Team: John, Gail, Paul, Ann E, Russell and Bev | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
We won easily. Ann was best coin toss for most of the evening for a bottle of rum. Buy a mystery bottle raffle: Paul bought a Perrier ($8), Russell got a Listerine ($6) and Ann ended up with a tabasco ($6). ANn won $4 at heads/tails and got a pen when she bribed the judge. I chose a vegetable cookbook and Gail got a towel set. ticket. | ||
10 Jun 1995 | Papakura Selwyn Church | |
Team: John, Gail, ? | ||
Placing: 1st | ||
The questions were straight out of Trivial Pursuit game so it was easy going for us. Gail won a bottle of bubbly playing 2-up. We chose a bear for our prize, because Gail knows the lady, Sue McKinven, who made it. I put a "TP" onto its overhauls and he became our mascot and attends every game. ticket. | ||
8 Oct 1994 | Alfriston Hall | |
Team: John, Gail, Mike H., Ann E., Irene, Pam, Paul and 2 young couples foisted upon us (11!!!) | ||
Placing: 2nd | ||
Too many on team to manage or come to an agreement, so we promptly moved into the low end on the leader board. At the halfway mark each team bought (at a dollar a point) their way back to equal the leader. We were in first place going into the last round, Current Events, which seemed to be from the newspaper and I don't read it. Still I won a door prize - choice of wine or plant. First two winners chose the wine and there were only plants left for my prize. ticket | ||
30 July 1994 | College Hall | |
Team: John, Gail, Bob & Diane B., Janine, Jim, Joyce D., Mike & Kathy S. & Mary B. | ||
Placing: 10th | ||
The non-teaching staff at school put together a team. We met at the Browns for a meal and drinks before heading on to compete against 27 other teams. We won the first round (Word Play) and got a box of cookies for our effort. We managed to score well for the next three rounds before bombing out with sports and never recovering. A team of teachers won and they were roundly booed when they went up to get their prizes. | ||
10 Oct 1992 | Waiuku | |
Team: Ian, Ne, Tracy, 6 4th Form girls | ||
Placing: 4th | ||
We were never going to win, so made the most fun of it as possible for the girls. | ||
6 Oct 1992 | Auckland | |
Team: John, Mike C, Brian McDonnell | ||
Placing: 3rd | ||
Just three of us on the team for a Music trivia evening. Was good fun since it was all about music and it was tough. We won the entry fee ($15) back and a beer and I don't drink the stuff. | ||
21 Apr 1990 | Drury School | |
Ninja Turtles: John, Gail, Mike & Sandy, Ginny & Richard | ||
Placing: 5th | ||
We chose the wrong name as we were pretty slow in coming up with correct answers, only get 68 out of 100 right. Still out of 20 teams we were near the top, eh? | ||
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