N I G H T   O W L S   Visitors  to the nest
PersonNight OwlRelationship
Charles PhillipsBunkobaseball teammate
Tom OlsonBunkobaseball teammate
John MalecekBunkofather
Gene NewstromSlinkyfather
Frank NewstromSlinkyuncle
Bill BrethSlimfather
Signe Roed Owlette
Karen Roed Owlette
Judy Gartland friend
Terri DanielsJuniorsister
Angie MalecekBunkosister
Rose Marie  
Bob PiramSlimfriend
Laurie DanielsJuniorbrother
Chris MalecekBunkobrother
Janice BrethSlimsister
Milo Hines friend
Janice Barnett friend
Patrice BrethSlimsister
John Windom friend
Deborah Baker friend
Karen NewstromSlinkysister
Julie NewstromSlinkysister
Joline BrethSlimsister
Joan Roed friend
Georgie Windom friend
Lori KosakBunkocousin
Jerry Fair friend
Danita Fair friend
Linnea Travis Owlette
Steve MalecekBunkocousin
Tom KelleyBunkofriend
Gary OlsonBunkofriend
Sandra BrethSlimsister
Rene Sandquist friend
Randy Roehl  
Vicky Roehl  
Linda Thompson friend
Willy Sodeberg friend
Gary Sodeberg friend
Mike Lincoln friend
Kay Lipton  
Genell Martin Owlette
Danny Lang  
Dale BirklandSlinkycousin
Kincy DanielsJuniorfather
Bill Dornik  
Elmer Stocker