Back to Months
27th 28th 29th
1967 Mr Gillette sent me a letter outlining the cavalier approach I use to undercharge customers and how it will come out of my paycheck. [ed. - it was about this time that I began looking for another job.]
1970 Staff party was fun. Started off with sherry [ed. - possibly the first time that I had it], then fish, followed by wine and main course. After dancing we had dessert, more dancing and now singing as people loosened up. Coffee.
1972 Dyed my shorts and shirt yellow and Simon lent me his yellow umbrella - so I made a great Rewa House supporter for Athletics meet. I was 3rd place judge for the 100m and 400m. Not many good races, but Taitusi and Alivereti streaked across finish line for 1st and 2nd.
1973 Our cute, tiny combo washer-spin dryer delivered. We put it into the bathroom. The Hoovermatic was compact, semi-automatic and didn’t use a mangler, the second tub being the spin dryer. It had a tendency to jump around during the spin cycle.
1978 T - Had the honor of being Mr Mitchell's first inspection and the poor fellow was nervous. 4H put on a good show for him. He was impressed with all of the posters and other items around my room. Gail's first day at KFC - training.
1995 "Remers" to see Dr Roberts, Rhumetologist, who cleared me of lupus and said that I was a fine physical specimen looking much younger than my age.
2001 Night class. Searched for "Waiuku" and came up with 2000 hits. Top on the list was "Korean Catholic Gardeners".
2014 F - Up early to get to Jamie's by 11AM and beat Martin who wanted me there at 10AM originally. We played Martin's Mythotopia twice. I came in second and then won, which probably means it is an easy game, eh?
2017 T - Gail backed in to a car - not much damage to our car which I was able to touch up.
2022 M - Two hours at Toyota while they did an oil pump pressure test (okay). Oil was basically sludge everywhere so they tried to clean it and did an oil change ($410). The two hours there meant that I could finish reading Hide and Seek.
2023 T - Driveway fence removed and it looks so different.
27th Back to Top 29th