24 Feb 1970

Dear John

It was good to get your letter; sorry I haven't had time to answer before now. Several times since returning to the States I have asked the exact same question which you posed: Why did you ever leave Fiji? I don't know, but I did. Did not get the super-job in Washington, but am still with Peace Corps recruiting in the Northeast here. Its good work; getting paid to talk about the good times in Fiji. There's a lot of crap involved too answering the same inane questions day after day, saying the same things over and over, but it's good. I enjoy it and suppose I will for the next few months, which is about all they would hire me for. There doesn't seem to be much emphasis on campus recruiting during the summer. (?) Anyway, I hope to be getting a job in Washington after this. From there, we'll see what happens.

Glad to hear that you got to spend some time with Gary. As you may know, he was one of my favourite (sp? British?) people in Fiji & Peace Corps. The reasons must be obvious. Blew my mind on the FJCE results from Navua; never expected so many A-grade passes. I suppose you may still be in the what the-hell-do-the-exams-mean-anyway syndrome, but wait. Anyway, I hope you get a chance to get down to Navua sometime. When you do, drop in on Charlie and Jan Miller. She teaches at Navua and he's at a Fijian School nearby. They're good people.

I have so many things I want to know about your group, what's happening in Fiji, what the new staff are like and on and on. I met a guy in Washington named Phil Somebody who will be there soon as Program Officer taking Graninger's place. Do write and tell all. One thing in particular I'm very anxious to know is what happened with Priscilla. Louise and I spent some pretty trying hours with her just after you left and before we left and Priscilla is such a good chick. I hope the QVS thing has worked out ok for you. Switching you was a shitty thing to do, but I suppose by now you have seen the reasons, legitimate or not.

If I go on any longer, it will either be nostalgic or just more inquisition. Let me-hear from you. If there-is anything I can help you with from this end, let me know. Give my best to all in Fiji IV that you see and ask them to write and tell all. Namaste and moce mada.


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