1975 |
I bring you 1975. You remember it well. It came after 1974. |
1. Petrol in New Zealand reaches $1/gallon. 2. New Zealand gets a second television channel called, TV 2, so as to not be confused with TV 1. 3. Plastic coffins explode when cremated. 4. Professional Coed Volleyball. 5. Dutch Elm Disease changes the landscape of many towns as very old trees are taken down. 6. Malleys buy a house in New Zealand and five days later go to Minnesota for 7 months. 7. Ozone watches - when the smog got too high people were told to stay indoors and not use their cars. 8. "Up your nose with a rubber hose!" 9. Bay City Rollers have teenie boppers screaming. People who appreciate good music were also screaming. 10. Toothpaste now in plastic tubes. 11. A party of 4 northerns got lost in the "back woods" of Florida and barely made it out alive. 12. A "typical day" in October. |
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