The Location |
A small town a few miles north of Redwood Falls on a road now called "River Road". Down in the Minnesota River Valley with the Redwood River nearby. |
The Depot |
Going way back it was an important Railroad Depot, being the end of the line. There was a grain elevator but the main usage was by the startup Sears & Roebuck's original mail order store. Apparently, a watch maker thought up the idea and mailed out catalogues. It meant daily trains bringing in orders and leaving with packages. Since it was end of line it had a Round House, to turn the engines around. |
The Windows |
One summer when my grandfather was 18 (1910) he and a friend got a job to wash the windows atop the roof of the round house. He said, they were high up and couldn't be seen, so they loafed for the most part. |
The Ride |
Even though I would have been very young, I remember taking the train from Minneapolis to North Redwood, at least once. |
The Movies |
The general store in North Redwood played free movies, weather permitting, once a month. We would sit on roughly made benches in the open air. I guess they hoped to make money by people getting drinks and snacks for the store. In 2023 that store is now a bar. |
The Elevator |
John A Malecek organized the building of the Farmers Elevator and was its first manager. My grandfather would get the trailer out of the garage and fill it with excess grain. We would drive the short distance to North Redwood. Drive onto a scale inside the Grain Elevator to be weighed. Then the trailer would empty onto the grill on the floor. Get weighed again to determine the grain weight and a payment organized. |
The Night Club |
In the late 1970's a couple Maleceks opened a night club, "The Valley Supper Club" in North Redwood. |
The Relative |
In 1977 my dad's cousin, John Knisley and wife Minnie, moved to North Redwood. |
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