yowtze | a type of bird |
Raftzin, jow, link | emotions |
miltz | silly |
yellion | large number |
efrud | trance to relieve a past experience |
blem | year |
ka-bloink | crazy |
fif, seve | lubricant (grease) |
fax | like a mosquito |
yek | yes (in evening) |
kookla | groovy |
limakook | exhaust from eggship |
swig, nelf, hibengiw | lowest forms of life |
shazbot | swear word |
nloink | finger |
mnimnul | archaic insult |
na-no na-no | farewell |
binzel | great figure |
krell | unit of time (2500 earth years) |
syfnid | greeting |
grebble, brandels | unit of money (sand) |
nap nap | no (social) |
boo boo | no (business) |
nin nin | no |
pah-boo | thank you |
lowell | life |
klangst | fill time |
tuppy | thank you to equals |
ghoney-goo | thank you to children |
goomba | great figure |
ribbit | handshake |
kerkie | chest squeeze |
cez-gekup | indigestion |