9 Dec 1969
I. General Remarks: This class is a lively and enthusiastic one and occurs in the second period in the morning, a good time. This is the second time which this observer has seen the class and he was impressed by the professionalism and confidence which has been acquired by the teacher since the first lesson.
II. Lesson Planning: A short and concise outline was presented. A Conclusion should be written into future outlines under Procedure, listing the major points learned in the class that particular day. The subject of this lesson was multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers.
III. Presentation: John started the class briskly and confidently by first collecting the homework. He then immediately began working toward his objective for the day.., multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. He used a good inductive type procedure , helping the students to discover how to change any mixed number to an improper fraction, By use of question and answers and illustrations showing small circles on the blackboard (see back of lesson plan) he was quite effective in getting the point across, The students were rather talkative while this was going on, some of it spontaneous answers to questions, but some of the students were talking about other things among themselves. John quashed some of this by walking around the room while talking. This seemed like a pretty good procedure as it quieted down the back of the room. Also it did not seem to be done in a distracting way. Still, perhaps the major flaw in this class is that of control, Source of answers could still be controlled better without breaking the liveliness of the class, Any phrases regarding control were not really emphasized by John and it might be helpful in the future to pause and emphasize the importance of raising hands instead of passing quickly over it. John managed to cover his objectives for the day as listed in the lesson plan. He showed how the dividing out process in multiplying fractions is carried out and also illustrated the concept of "of" in multiplication. He emphasized the procedure of how he wanted homework examples of fraction multiplication done, had the students do some examples from their books at their desks, and smoothly concluded the lesson with a review of the major points to be taken into account when multiplying mixed numbers and improper fractions, It might have been helpful to have the students write down these points, even if they did lose the notes. To do a review and conclusion such as was carried out today should be planned in every lesson, Very helpful. John was very cheerful and enthusiastic but seemed quite professional at the same time, Student interest was high and this observer felt that the lesson was interestingly presented, (watch hand writing, ,don't print)
IV. Evaluation: John stuck to his plan, carried out what he had intended and worked hard at making the class interesting. Effectiveness would have been helped by better control over the source of answers but this will come with practice.