Ernest Costario

I got to be good friends with Ernest Costario, Filipino.  He couldn't speak any language too well due to a short tongue, and he really had trouble with English.  And he operated on his own level of intelligence, so after a while he would become a drag.  But he kept coming to the school and one day he asked me if I would come for dinner at his house some time.  I told him a would.  The next day he asked why I hadn't come.  It turned out that he assumed that he had asked me over in definite terms, whereas I took it as general offer.  I guess his mother had prepared a big meal and I didn't show.  Bet Joe Burland would love to be in on that "critical incident", eh?  The following weekend I did go there for a meal and then we went to a dance at Lapahoehoe.  Also had a meal with a couple other PCVs in the garage on New Year's Eve.
Ernest won a chicken at a fair and was keeping it as a pet at his place in a cage.  He was really proud of it and one day he brought it down to the school to show it to me.  That was so typical of him that no one paid much attention to him walking around holding a chicken.     Guess who was in love with Vicki Parks.

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