Meeting: 11 Aug 1970 Discussed moving the loli and Netani put up stiff resistance. Student council asked that boys have a choice in their jobs (also directed at Netani).
Our beach is being eroded so rocks need to be hauled in. We also talked about the Minister of Social Services visit next Monday and how we should switch things around to impress him. Epeli said that the prefects now have a book.
Talked about getting a gift for Lusi now that she is engaged.
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Meeting: 19 Aug 1970 Talked about the library fine system (no one pays and most books are stolen). |
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Meeting: 29 Sep 1970 Voted on boys to be allowed back next year: Etuate, Epeli S., Sakiasa B and Viliame Dau got the boot. But Bola (best rugby player at the school) and Loruma (he had stoned our house and is a royal pain) allowed to return. |
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Meeting: 6 Oct 1970 Homosexual activity came up. A---i and M---a have been forced into being "wives". It was a shock to find out who was involved. |
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Meeting: 20 Oct 1970 We finally talked McDougall out of moving the staff library into the boys library. Then he told us that next year
it will be 8 period days. |
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Meeting: 17 Nov 1970 It seems a lot happened over the weekend. Some boys were caught at the Natovi dance
and some of them were drunk and Ian had a pair of trousers stolen. McDougall let them all off with no punishment.
Eric was upset as they should have been expelled for drinking. So we had a long harangue with JMc contradicting himself.
We chose the prefects for next year. White against Apenisa since he tried to rape Susi and was expelled last year.
David wants to know if they will have the same privileges next year.
Then we tried to find out why the 4th formers ended up with no desks for their exams!!!
Ken brought an end to the donnybrook when he asked why he hadn't received his newspaper on Saturday - McDougall's fault. |
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1971 Staff Duties |
Epeli | Timetable, MOD, Prep, Dininghall, Bau House, Staff Room |
Jo | Afternoon activities, Harrison Cup, Leave, Compound, Boys Duties |
Brian | HOD English, Cricket, Play manager, bus, prizes, Victorian |
Jim | HOD Maths, Book Room, Furniture |
Eric | HOD Science, Cadets, Athletics, Soccer |
Ian | Play, Careers, Library, Hockey |
Netani | Fijian, school garden |
Jemesa | Tuck shop, Music, Rewa House |
Simon | Chem Lab, pocket money, projector, gas |
Dick | Films, Social Committee, Buses, Punt, Deputy Bau house |
Murphy | Visual aids, games, art room, Deputy Verata house |
Ken | Bulk store, eggs, cricket, rugby |
David | Physics lab, dininghall, play, Deputy Tovata house |
Isikeli | Chapel, tennis court |
John | Food Store, library, Deputy Rewa House |
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Meeting: 15 Feb 1972 Big discussion was whether we should eat at dining hall or Epeli's for the school's birthday. |
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Meeting: 29 Feb 1972 Discussed electricity hours and uniform for leave. |
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Meeting: 22 Jun 1972 QVS to become a 3-6 Form school (currently 1-6) getting another 5th form class, new art room and old one becomes a classroom. Two more grade 4 houses being built and Jemesa is leaving for East-West Center in Hawaii. |
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Meeting: 21 Nov 1972 Atmores and Breeze were stoned last night at 11:30PM. Epeli caught Jone Y and Waisea N drunk at 3AM. Found out that Mesulame, Pelame and Apisalome had broken into Eric's. Aisake and Salamisa stole photos from there.
Prefects had beat them up on Sunday night. We decided to let them sit the exams. |
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