QVS Students

   Apenisa Tolevu

enlarge  Apenisa was the third head boy during my tenure and I noticed that they all had similar qualities - strong character and soft spoken. I don't have much to report about him from school days but here is a summary of his life in his own words:
"As for me, since QVS (1972) I joined the Fiji School of Medicine (FSM) and graduated with a diploma in Dentistry in 1977 and worked as a dentist for six years before being sent to Adelaide University ( Australia ) to complete my degree in dentistry in 1991. I joined the army in 1982 (as Captain - QVS cadets experience served me well) and served 1 year ni Lebanon under the command of Col. Isikia Rabici Savua. I have also obtained a masters degree in Health Policy and Management from Wollongong University ( Australia ). After a short stint teaching at FSM, I was promoted to Registrar of the institution and after restructure last year was appointed the Director of Academic programme of FSM until now. I am currently a member of the QVS Board of Governors and am in the 100 years celebration committee for QVS".

In May 2009, he with his Tongan wife, Toakase visited us. He was on his way to Christchurch to visit his father's grave.

8 July 1972
Malecek Wedding

8 July 1972