Rosehill 5Maths 1a 1979
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Tim Aicken (O)
did not show much interest or effort
Darryl Buchanan (H)
poor classroom attentivness
David Cockerton (H)
effortt increased, but found subject difficult
Keith Crow (E)
good steady improvement
Paul Fogarty (T)
very good progress - diligent effort
T Hislop (T)
Lionel Hudson (L)
making progress - does well in class, but not prepared for tests
Chris Isles (E)
very keen and enthusiastic
Brian Kairau (T)
very casual attitude toward study

Leslie Mason (H)
made good progress
Ashley Mulligan (E)
improved his standard greatly - daily work inconsistent
J Russell (H)
Bruce Pollock (R)
very good improvement, but not committed to regular study
Lawrence Smith-Holley (L)
very good pupil - diligent
Malcolm Stewart (S)
capable and doing vey good work - excellent student
Stephen Wallace (L)
very good effort that fell off late in the year
Anthony Wright (L)
good improvement but does not apply himself consistently
Beverly Ashman (O)
pleasing progress - wandered from task in classroom
Diane Cowley (H)
doing good work of a high standard
Robyn Crosby (H)
pleasant and ardent determined and puts in much effort
Andrina Davis (R)
very determined and reacehd a pleasing standard
Shelley Hennan (H)
reasonable standard
Gaylene Hunt (I)
some progress but did not apply herself towards end
Christine McDonald (E)
determined and does her best - more interested in talking last term
Karen Meinhold (E)
does good work and good progress
Linda Petra (T)
maintained a good standard b y being a hardworking dedicated student
K Rainey (O)
Lesley Rankin (U)
finding it more difficult - detriment to class with her idle chatter
Gillian Rule (O)
not doing her best - good steady effort towards end
Susan Rushton (S)
quiet steady worker who lost the plot
Dale Stevenson (U)
keen and lively but did very little work
Donna Verryt (I)
reasonable effort, bt could have better results with more study
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