Rosehill 6E Maths 1979
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Peter Avison
good effort
Neil Bell
very good work and attitude
D Belston

Gary Bilski
great improvement but room for more
Mark Gasparich
consistent effort from a competent student
Ross Hunter
maintained a good standard
David Luke
logical mind which he uses well
Ronald Neuman
good effort

Andrew Pickford
applies himself well
P Seddon
Christine Bridge
good steady effort

Ana Burt
inconsistent with classwork
Joanne Cleaver
did poorly on the assignments she attempted

Jacqui Dunnicliff
did her best all year

Joanne Hampton
does well on assignments but not tests
Shona Harkness
works hard

Sara Hirst
excellent work at times - needs to exercise better self-control
Linda Lucas
some improvement

Diane Neil
excellent pupil
Catherine Preston
good steady effort
Tania Szeli
good work habits

Mary Van Tiel
excellent pupil

Monique Vlaar
quiet polite - does well at all times
Students Page