I wrote the following at the end of 1974:
Chris Archer: Applied and was accepted by the RNZAF for a substantial raise in salary. He has turned it down.
Barry Beckingsale: He has gotten the school organized well with 280 different forms of various colours and sizes. The school in general has improved since last year and I credit all to him. He has worked hard to shape the school to his way of thinking.
Simon Breeze: The chemistry teacher who took over your lab and the prep room, has succeeded in kicking the maths dept completely out of there.
Glynis Chapman: Beckingsale has reined her in and we no longer have to listen to her last minute instructions to the oboe players who were suppose to go to Al at 12:30 but now should meet....I don't know how he did it but he seems to have her organized for a change.
Ian Craig: is still running to and from work.
Perry Cunningham: Is leaving Rosehill next year...I think he is going go Papakura High but not sure.
Al Drumm: Has bought a house on the other side of the tracks and also picked up a van to move his brood about. His rear window is still broken on the green car.
John Greenhill: He is leaving next year, probably not enough work here to keep him busy. I hear he has nothing to do from 3:42am - 3:53 am on Thursdays.
Graeme Hooper: Is taking some third formers on a weeks sail next week. Hope he doesn't give a talk about it next year.
Des Hunt: Got a haircut yesterday.
Eric Jerkovich: Still pulling his socks up, but tends to put his hands in his pockets, especially when retrieving his wallet. Probably unhappy, since there is not much to complain about this year.
Phillip Kerr: Comes to school on a motorcycle and tends to submit very liberal plans and ideas to one and all. Lead the 7th formers through a rampage last day of school.
Ray Kelley: Work, work, work.
Bob Lendrum: Didn't make the all-blacks (that's a rugby team) and rumour has it that he is going to work for McDougall next year. He is playing on my basketball team.
Christine Lindop: Got a haircut two weeks ago.
Moyrah McBride: Is in Ireland getting drunk and cheering on the all blacks (see above).
Brian McDonnell: Still concieted in his own sweet way.
John Malecek: Offered job at Wesley next year. Turned it down so he could make a trip home. Offered HOD Maths at Wesley 1976, said he would consider it. Not on timetable for next year at Rosehill, Teaching history of rock n roll to 6th form.
Flo Matich: Third form dean and filling in (with a little extra to spare) for MMcBRIDE.
Jennie Miekle: .....????
Su Miller: Leaving?
Dave Mogford: Promotion.
Brenda Proutfoot: Taking on fifth form maths next year.
Barry Rodewald; Fourth form dean and wandering teacher in search of a class.
Dave Smithers: Leaving for a trip to England.
Henry Stern: Snuggling in for a long stay.
Glynis Tunicliffe: New head of Phys Ed.
Lloyd Walker: Blister on his foot and flip flops for three weeks. He did not obtain a yellow slip from Mr Beckingsale!!