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 Top 20 Doctor Songs
1Dr FeelgoodMotley Cruë1989
2WitchdoctorDavid Seville1958
3Doctor JonesAqua1998
4Dr RobertBeatles1966
5Doctor My EyesJackson Browne1972
6Doctor's OrdersCarole Douglas1974
7The DoctorDoobie Brothers1989
8Doctoring the TardidTimelords1988
9Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor Doctor)Robert Palmer1979
10Doctor I Like Your MedicineCoup D'Etat1980
11Doctor Doctor!Thompson Twins1984
12Dr FeelgoodDr Feelgood and The Interns1962
13Doctor My EyesJackson 51972
14Don't Mess With Dr DreamThompson Twins1983
15Dr DetroitDevo1983
16Dr FeelgoodAretha Franklin1967
17Dr Jekyll & Mr HydeMen At Work1983
18Dr NoInvaders1963
19Dr BeatMiami Sound Machine1984
20Down at The Doctor'sDr Feelgood1978