2002 - No. 6         www.malecek.com        

   Clarks came by on the weekend in their new convertible to join Whites for a turkey meal outdoors and we worked our way through 5 bottles of wine.

convert Clarks

 Tracy and Scott came by also and gave me a thing that decided to name ‘Bob the Blob’.

blob Bob

 On my actual birthday Gail and I went to the local Japanese restaurant (run by Koreans), Sapporo, and then the family had a pool tournament. Then on the day after I got the usual email greetings from US relatives who can never figure the date difference between there and NZ.

   24th - Trish came by with birthday prezzies: Goofy wind chime, calculator. I whipped up some "Bah Humbugs": orange juice peppered with Crantasia, Ginger wine and Galiano and a couple blueberries tossed in.  Matthew came over with Stevie and Saula for a swim.  Needhams came by and the women went swimming while I hung out with Bob who has sold his first Stinger (racing car that he designed and built). Ian came by with Saula and Ravi (Domo's kids) to use van to pick up a carpet from Kaitani for floor in their garage.  Had a big meal with a Stoneleigh 2000 Sav Blanc that was outstanding. Ian and Susi returned van and stayed for a drink of Brown Brothers 2002 dessert wine, Spätlese Lexia.


25th - Doug came by early for a swim and to give us a basket of goodies including sail boats that we raced in the pool. Mine tore across while his just sat, but I couldn't make the last 6 inches and capsized and after 9 minutes his yellow sailed boat touched the finish wall.  de Villiers arrived at 2:30PM and the boys were straight into the pool with David while the adults caught up on the year's news. After they departed we made the place ready for Emery, Chris and Russell. Bit cool outside so we visited indoors and had a big meal.

Doug race Chris

 26th - I set up the shade cloth that Whites gave me for my birthday. They arrived en masse in the afternoon. Met Domo's wife, Liti. Doug and Melanie also were by for a cup of tea and a swim (Mel training for "Port to Pub" swim).  Domo's kids spent most of the time in the pool. ;A little pool after the meal, helped along by a great Montana 2000 Semillon. Later when Matthew came back we tried playing snooker.

shade Whites Whites
Grand Prix Being Back in New Zealand David Malley Muses
   means…Trivial Pursuit on Fridays, pool (8 ball, snooker and billiards) on the new table (thanks to Trish), into the swimming pool, Grand Prix and bridge with Whites, catching up with friends, working on my own and client computers, fixing up the house (tackled the stairwell and my room), and 7 months of weeds to pull. Great to be back and into the routine. Pukekohe renamed its library “Bookinopolis”. No one likes it. What’s next???
Hospital = Sickinopolis
Police Station = Copinopolis
School = Learnopolis
Church = Prayinopolis
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