2005 - No. 1         www.malecek.com        
housesit tptpbegin

Friends of a friend were going away for summer holiday and leave the dogs behind for the first time ever. They asked Ne to stay there (about 6 Km in the country from our place).  Seemed like an easy gig, a couple dogs, a parrot and some ducklings.

How many ways can a house-sitting job go wrong? Well, the house is still standing….

  1. Power cut / surge blows the big screen TV. She couldn't watch the DVDs she had rented for the first week stay. I brought out my 4” B&W TV out, but it isn’t the same, eh?.
  2. She mucked up the login that had been set up for her on the computer so she couldn’t get onto the Internet.
  3. They had two dogs—Buddy and Holly. Well, one morning Ne found Buddy’s body left by the door—probably hit on road.
  4. Water only dribbled out of the kitchen faucet (turned out the filter from the tank was clogged).
  5. The battery died and I had to go out to jump start the van.

Holly  Holly

 Everyone reassured Ne that the dogs habitually run after cars and have been knocked about in past. They were actually feeling sorry for Ne and the bad luck she had. They want her back for a month in May while they are in the States. That could turn into another adventure...

Fez  Fez

     I had been filling notebooks with trivia facts and buying trivia type books long before the word "Trivia" joined the mainstream of pop culture. So when Trivial Pursuit was created I wanted to rush out and buy it.  But I couldn't afford the $20 price tag. My brother gave me the Genus version for Christmas '84 and Dec 28th that year found us playing the Baby Boomer version with the Dieffenbachs.

    The first mention in a diary was recorded for 18 Jan 1975: Gail quizzed Ian White and me from one of my trivia books.   Ian won and I noted it was because he has a better "classical" background than I possess.

Here is an excerpt from a letter written on 9 Feb 1985:
"Have also been trying to get up as many Trivial Pursuit games as possible. You and I are both way ahead of our times. We were playing it 15 years ago. Your letters were filled with Lance LaRue questions. I almost blush to report that I have won every single game so far. In fact, we usually play me against everyone else in the room. They have a rule for me that for the final question I have to answer correctly every (6) category on the card. I can see the day when they (friends, relatives and neighbors) won't want to play with me at all.
Things change and 20 years later I have a poor memory and have to settle for 2nd or 3rd best...

goofy When we brought the game to New Zealand in 1985 we found that some had heard of it, but very few were interested in playing. So it was relegated to a dark corner in a cupboard until the 90's when NZ caught up with the rest of the world.   But rather than playing the game in one's home, it became a hot item to hold trivia evenings for the public to attend in groups. In 1992 I went along to a music trivia contest at a pub in Auckland and we joined the Whites at an evening in support of Waiuku College.   Since then we have been to quite a few trivia contests within 40 miles. We're always up there with a good score.

    gangIrene invited us to her place for Christmas in 1993 and in one those things I call "fate", we actually went.   All these strangers were talking about getting together the following Friday to play Trivial Pursuit and we said count us in; the rest as they say is history.   This group was 12-16 people meeting every Friday and only 8 times in the 11 years has there not been a game. But the group is now down to a hardcore 8 with a few casual members.   We meet in each others homes, bringing a treat to share. We draw up two teams and amazingly almost every game has been a draw!!

    Luckily, we have many versions of the game, but we tend to play the New Zealand Genus one the most frequently and after a couple years the questions have become old friends. At least to me - I am amazed that so many in the group don't recall that we have had a question at least 17 times before.

deck header first meal Malley Muses Hip
to be
pre     I have always wanted one, so when our builder, Graeme, called in January and asked if we wanted it built I said “Yes!”. I reckon that no one ever went out our back door and said “Nice concrete”. Graeme  We are required to have a fence 1.2m high as it is a pool wall, so it is unusual, as Brundell says: "An over-sized playpen". Phase I was one was completed in a week of sun and high temps. The special gate is ordered and work on phase II begins this week. Why does it seem that its only old ladies who fall down on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night and break their hip?

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