2007 - No. 4         www.malecek.com        
News in Brief      

    David Finds a Job

 David now lives in Marshall, Minnesota where he works at a shop by day and sleeps in an apartment at night. That, according to him, is pretty much it. He is pondering the purchase of a car, as it is gets colder and it being a 30 minute walk to and from Marshall Computers.

    Furniturer Finis

Our dear friend, Mike Sanders, passed away in October. But we had lost him years ago to Pick’s disease.
  He was a brilliant woodworker starting off by doing hand adzed items and growing to a maker of anything using native timbers. We have items he made for us and memories of the many camping trips we did with him and his family.

Go to: Mike's Malley-Mate Page


    Formica to Tile

We have gutted our lower bathroom and are in the process of renovating it.

FIJI - I had to look it up in an atlas when the Peace Corps offered me the chance to work there. I liked it so much that I extended my teaching stint to a third year. Gail followed me and we were married at the Natovi Catholic mission church. We have been back to visit three times and I would love to have a second-honeymoon one year at the same hotel in Raki Raki. more...

FISHERS - My mother married a milkman named Bob Fisher and I inherited a step-family. She still gets out fishing (what an aptly named family, eh?) once a year with my step-brother Jim. We have been to visit my weirdly wonderful step-uncle Leroy and family in Florida. My step-niece, Brenda and husband, Rich, have been down to NZ and Malley Manor. So there has been some contact despite the distance.

FORMULA 1 - Also known as Grand Prix. In 1971 Ian White gave the board game to Susi and we set out to do the same races done by the real drivers. That game was lost. But in 1991 we found another in a garage sale and for the following 10 years or so we raced. I made replica tracks of each course that adds variety for us over just using the same track for every race. more ...

FABIOLA - In 1997 I befriended exchange students from Japan and South America. The cheekiest was Fabiola Herbas from Bolivia, so I naturally liked her best. She is very enthusiastic about life and living it at full throttle. She has been doing dentistry courses for the past 10 years, firstly in Bolivia and, now, in Spain. more...
Fran    “Fun Fun Fun”   Frank    Asimov's Foundation series   Four Seasons   Frankenstein  
FRACTURED ENGLISH : The farm was used to produce produce.

Gail had the most thrilling adventure on TiriTiri Island which is a bird refuge. She went with a group from her school. The best bird-spotting walk she has ever had.

Malley Muses
I didn’t think that a mother would name her kid “Hopalong”. It’s a nickname given to Cassidy because of a limp. He limped in the first movie and then it simply disappeared. What’s up with that?
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