2007 - No. 3         www.malecek.com        2007 No 3
News in Brief      

Te’s MN Experience
David stayed with my brother and his cousins for the first month back in the motherland. He is currently with my father and has begun looking for a job.
His birthday with Lina and CP

Elaine's Husband
I wrote about Bob Needham’s poor health in MG 2006-8. He was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhig’s disease) in April and went downhill rapidly. Bob passed away peacefully on the night of Aug 1st.

Encyclopedia Story
While living near the university in 1968 I let a young door-to-door salesman in and allowed him to do his thing. Knowing that I wasn’t going to buy a set I let him go through all the steps of his pitch. I kept agreeing and I am certain that he was already spending his commission in his head. I can still see the look of disbelief as I shuffled him out the door without a sale. I’ll still string along telemarketers on the phone, to have a laugh.

EVA - My mother (R.I.P.), an Austrian girl who found a Yankee soldier at the end of WWII and 60 years later still has an accent. A ferocious reader and a hard worker. I wonder if those daily martinis are the secret to her longevity despite so many ailments and injuries more...

ELVIS - I was only nine at the time but I felt the excitement that every else seemed to experience when he broke into mainstream America. Where were you when Elvis died? wiki...
EXPO '88 - This was held in Brisbane, Queensland and we organized a month long trip through Australia to culminate on the Gold Coast. And from there we spent three days exploring the pavilions and attractions (diary). Ne even assisted Fungo with his street act. The longest line was for the New Zealand pavilion. wiki...
ELLIOTT ELEMENTARY - I went there for 4th, 5th and 6th grades when we moved from Minneapolis to Richfield. Still in contact with a classmate, Paul Oberg, after all these years.
EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND - including me. It became a ritual for me and my mother-in-law, Joyce, in 2002, when I was with her for six months, to sit down each night and watch Ray get into trouble. wiki...
EDGERTON - Even though I went to De La Salle for high school, I was very upset when Richfield High School, led by the mighty Bill Davis, lost the 1960 State Championships semi-final game to this dinky little town’s basketball team 63 -60. wiki...
Eliason   “Easier Said Than Done”    ET   Everly Brothers    Emery   ER   Esala   Elsenpeter
ENGLISH SUCKS: The bandage was wound around the wound.
Malley Muses
It Behooves Us
What is this “it” that does this to us and why? When was the last time that you behooved?
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