Put Gail in charge of getting us to World Expo 88
60Km away in Brisbane. We got lost immediately and took a while to find the freeway - one hour later, after driving past about 7 Disney-like places, we pulled right up to the Expo gates. Parked under a bridge for free and was a short walk to get in. Saturday and not crowded (turned out to be the quiestest day - so we didn't know that we should have gone to the most popular pavillions).
First stop Nepal and its brass art works. Australian Primary Industries (building shaped like a tractor, combine and silo): cotton, eggs, video onto a blank 3D figure, skin detector.
Cadbury's - history of chocolate and a real factory. Ne bought a shopping bag of chocolate products (video). Yankee Trading Post where I bought a baby Goofy, Goofy figurine and a bike spokes toy.
Sri Lanka - chef making godamba (paper-thin roti), craftsmen cutting and polishing jewels, and dancers - theme of the week was "dance" (video).
Brunei and Malayasia (typical houses, a jet, a car). IBM - most boring. Phillipines (rice paste decorations and taxi).
Stopped to watch a clown, Fungo Chutney (the silent comedian), who was excellent. Renee was chosen to help him a tight rope trick (video).
Later at the Laser Electric show, David got to operate one of the controls. Checked
out the rides at Expo Park and watched "They Come Out at Night" parade which was very eerie and intriguing. Watched Maori Te Kohanga performers and went home at 7:30PM. Went into the indoor pool and Ne tried to teach me to swim.
Had chocolate - ginger ice cream. |
 Beam Me Up