It wasn’t planned, but the same week that Gail was approved to job share next year (teaching 2 days a week) she ended up having the rest of this year off.
Gail had gone out for a cruise on the Manukau Harbour with Elaine on October 25th. On her way back to Waiuku she went around a curve, saw 5 cars coming at her. She thought ‘too many cars’ heading straight at her. She swerved and missed the first one and she went head on into the following vehicle which happened to be an SUV with bull bars.
At 1:05PM I heard this phone message: “This is xxxx. Your wife was in an accident on Awhitu Road. She is OK”. Time stamped 12:40AM. Ne and I headed out. Just 3Km north a fireman was forcing cars to turn back. I didn’t stop. At the accident site a policeman told us to stay in our car until Gail was in the ambulance. Her car was totalled and the roof had been cut off and she needed to be cut out from the steering wheel.
I went in the ambulance. Gail was alert and communicated lucidly. 40 minute drive to hospital and into a resuscitation room where a team of doctors spent 5 hours going over her - it seemed to be only broken bones. Ian White arrived to be with me and Renee came with Elaine.
At 7PM Gail was on her way to surgery. The surgeon said it would take around 5 hours and they would work their way around her body.
The damage: broken left wrist (distal ulnar), broken right clavicle (seat belt), broken lower right arm (radius and ulnar), broken bones in lower right leg (tibia and fibular). The airbag prevented damage to her head, neck or spine.
Gail came home on the 11th November and will be in a wheelchair for around 6 weeks.