2008 - No. 3         www.malecek.com        
The ITALIAN Job      

    Since the tiles we chose for our kitchen, dining room and entryways were made in Italy it made sense that they should be laid by an Italian. And Carlo Montagna fit the bill even if he was born and grew up in Brisbane. Took about two weeks to get the job done and they did a beautiful job. We love the way it turned out and you can see for yourself by clicking on TILES.


Where are they now? Ten years ago we made friends with quite a few exchange students at Rosehill.

FABIOLA (Bolivia) - Fab completed Dental studies in Spain and married a doctor there and they have a daughter. She is a campainger for Indian rights back home.

LAURE (Belgium) - Pomme works at the EU Parliament arranging meetings for the media She has a son.

 SENAD (Croatia) - This guy who grew up in Germany, did marketing in Korea and may be in Australia.

YUKIKO (Japan) - Yuki is the only one to return to NZ for a visit. She is teaching in Japan.

 MARTUROD (Thailand) and CECELIA (Argentina) - both are doctors in homelands.

VERONICA (Brasil) - Ve was a stewardess in Germany and Brasil. Divorced and is a brewmaster in Germany.
 At the pump:

I have spent most of my life on islands, which is interesting since I grew up in landlocked Minnesota.
I spent 4 years attending De La Salle which is located on Nicollete Island and quite naturally we were called the “Islanders”.
Five years later I spent 3 months on the Big Island of Hawaii doing Peace Corps training for my
3 year stint on Viti Levu Island in Fiji.
Moved to the North Island of New Zealand in 1973 where I have been domiciled, aside from a 5 year hiatus back in Minnesota.
We have toured the South Island twice, been to Australia (a very big island) 4 times, Borneo, Great Britain and the Isle of Arran.

List of every island I have been on
In 1985 I was given the task of setting up one at New Zealand Steel. This was a name given to the group that was responsible for personal computers. When I arrived the mill had 7 rented PCs. When I left in 1990 there were 330 PCs and MACs. The IC grew from just me to a staff of 11.
was one of those 11. He is my best friend from Fiji days where he was an English teacher. He came from Scotland and married a Fijian girl. He is an amazing chap, with knowledge in so many areas. He moved upward to become Head Master at two schools. When the coup of 1987 hit I was able to offer him a job (he had been teaching computers) and get his family out. He left the mill to go back to teaching. Our two families did everything together and became like one, making Ian more like a brother. more...
I have crossed this imaginary line 16 times. People in the States just can’t get their head around this one. Forever confusing which day it is here in NZ and hopeless at figuring out what the time may be. So the phone will ring at 5AM, because it’s afternoon back in Minnesota.
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 Mike Gawel, PCV now living in Guam, had a conference in Samoa with an 8 hour layover in Auckland. So this time I brought him out to Waiuku where I was able to go over all of my Peace Corps photos and documents with someone who had shared many memories of them from way back in 1969.

Malley Muses

Walk This Way

The only time I ever see a walking race is at the Olympics. I wonder if the person who finishes in 2nd place is still called the “runner up”? Shouldn’t it be the “walker up”?
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