2015 - No. 2         www.malecek.com                2015 No 2
HOT TUBS – Gail and I were in our first spa/tub in 1985 when we stayed with the Hoffsis in California. Since then we have been in 26 others. The most beautiful was at Morere Falls here in NZ, set in a remote bush area on East Coast. We have one in the village, but don’t use it very often.

HOT POOLS - We have frequented nine of these New Zealand naturally heated places many times over the years. Thye range from clear to absolutely muddy. There are a couple nearby just waiting for us to visit on a cold winter’s day.

- I never hiked growing up in Minnesota. My first one was a solo up Mauna Kea in Hawaii. A few in Fiji then non-stop hiking in New Zealand (called "tramps"), Australia, the States and up Goatfell in Scotland. And now adays we tend to walk around the Mount rather than up it.

 At the pump:



It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you H 2.0
The orignal "G" has been updated read it

   HAPPENINGS Malley Muses

Everybody now...

It has been a real frustrating period for me as operations kept being cancelled and re-scheduled. I was in Tauranga Hospital last November for a bladder pressure test. The tube wouldn’t go in so doctor said I needed an emergency operation to open the sphincter, EMERGENCY??? Finally organized for late Feb only to be cancelled because no steroids on hand. Rebooked for March and then cancelled and finally done in April. At the same time I had a cataract op cancelled because of conflict with non-happening bladder op. Got the left eye done in March only to have complications, So right eye op at end of March cancelled and rescheduled for June.
   I have never done a “Hue and Cry” which is apparently to shout and get people chasing a criminal. The closest I have come was in Fiji to yell the Hindi word: “choro” which means “thief” and only used it in humorous situations.
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