2016 - No. 6         www.malecek.com                2016 No 1
For my 60th I made up this photo per year chart to see how I have changed. So time for an update…
Not much change in the past ten?
A picture is worth a 1,000 words70Here are 70,000 words to absorb.
David lives between the two red dots and we live at the blue one.
David woke at midnight for some reason. At 12:02AM his house moved and he rolled into the wall. Jumped out of bed and went to the doorway. When he got his “Sea Legs” he made for the front door. Because of the constant shaking he had difficulty getting the key into the slot. He survived with minor damage while we slept unknowingly. The key will be in the door from now on.
Trish Muses

   Why call it Fondue, when, obviously, some people were actually, NOT fond of it at all?

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