I shall miss Russel (Trish’s father) who was the last person to send old-fashioned letters to me on a regular basis. He always commented on our cribbage standings. And he would tell us about his latest fishing results. He loved whitebaiting with his son Peter.
We lost Gillian suddenly to a stroke. She was a veritable fireplug who golfed every week and played Mahjong with Gail twice a week.
Gillian’s good friend, who Gail called “old John”, also passed away. He played MJ once in awhile. And two other neighbours, Jill and Ian are no longer with us.
Here in New Zealand we get funny looks whenever we use the American “beets”. You see they should be “beetroots”. Why not radish-roots, carrot-roots or turnip-roots? Is it because beet leaves are also consumable and there is a need to distinguish between the two?