2017 - No. 6         www.malecek.com                2017 No 6

The NZ housing bubble has finally begun to leak but no burst so far.

We are going to try to upgrade Renee into a bigger, more modern place. We had new wallpaper done in three rooms, new linoleum and new carpeting throughout. And as of today we have put the property up for sale.

My Warriors mate, Russell, bought into a new development in Te Kauwhata and should move into his house next month, one year later than originally planned.

Our friend, Trish, is trying to get a place with a larger yard just a few blocks away from her current one. It will be the 8th property in the 44 years we have known her.

Bev, Trivial Pursuit friend, has decided to sell up and move into a nearby retirement home and get a small dog.

 At the pump:



I ended up in the hospital overnight when a kidney stone hit me big time. Even with three doses of morphine there was still pain. They sent me home with Tramadol which only cut the pain in half. So it was eight days of hell which I spent mostly in bed trying not to move. And since I couldn't even look at food, I lost 6Kg (13lbs). Not a diet plan that I would recommend. At time of writing the second, and larger, one is beginning its journey.

Since Ne’s Muppet is 11 years old, blind and possibly has cancer, we got her a puppy. Kiz is a toy phantom poodle. I think he looks like a Womble, Ne's says he looks like Alf. I prefer to call him “Rocket” as he moves from 0 to 60 in an instant. I am predicting that he will be able to jump onto tables as he really loves doing that sort of thing, too.

Big Brit, Clayton, left NZ last year. He returned in September to attend his sister’s wedding at the end of November. I taught him petanque which we played on the beach, since the Village’s court is gone (two villas being built there). Another time we played jarts. But his main love is board games and in particular, Formula D. So we started up a short season called the Clayton Series which we played here with Kim - just like we did the previous two years, before Clayton left for England.

         RED BULL
Gail and I joined a Formula D competition with 6 others. After 46 years I switched from Ferrari to Red Bull (both of us being from Austria). My partner is Shalom, who doesn’t seem to understand the game, but is in first place at the halfway mark and Team Red Bull is in first place.

Malley Muses
Gail has had a rough few months. She is very anaemic and getting, B12 injections, blood transfusions and iron infusions. Cause of problem yet to be determined. Then overnight she lost most of her hearing in the good ear. She will be seeing specialists for that and her heart, asthma and kidney. A lot of the problems could stem from her diabetes. Getting a tooth repaired seems minor in comparison to everything else that is going on.    I am a regular eater of sardines. As a small child Ne once shouted to David: “He eats the tail!!!” Anyway, I am very disappointed. In the old days one would get 10 small fish in a can. But now I find 3 large monsters that are way too chewy.
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