2018 - No. 2         www.malecek.com                2018 No 2

I am with our doctor (Kevin) and as usual we spent most of the time on non-medical or loosely related topics. I told him: “I think we talk too much”. He proceeded to tell me that as a 5 year old he was sent home with tape over his mouth and a note saying he talks too much. In his defence he said he didn’t, but rather he would correct the teacher. For example, she would point to something and say it was brown and he would tell her that it was tan. So I point at him and say: “Sheldon”! He says he loves the show but Sheldon cuts too close to the bone. Whenever Sheldon says or does something, he cringes and his wife points at him and laughs.

I’m watching the Olympics and at 12:30AM the doorbell rings. I went to put on a shirt and when I got back there is a small Asian lady in the dining room. She says: “Heather? 105?” I sorted her out - we are 106 and Heather is across the road from us.

Gail has had her MRI of her heart and we now wait to see the specialist.

 At the pump:




It was a busy month with visitors coming along to put some joy into our life. Great times just chatting and catching up on personal and public issues.

Kathy and Mike were the first to arrive at Ocean Shores Village. Mike and I went in search of the Kaituna River mouth. Took a little effort as the first place (where Ian and I kayaked) proved to be a bust with private property stopping us. So got the phone out and drove off to a more likely prospect. It was cool watching a blue dot showing where we were as we moved. We walked along the 5Km sand spit, in itself not very interesting but we had great views around us

Ann and Jocelyn stopped in on way back from their tour of the East Coast. First time meeting Jocelyn for me. Short walk to the beach for some fresh air prior to a meal with a bluebrry wine. Heard about Chris' latest efforts in saving the world by protesting against Adani in Australia.

Irene helped her sister, Judy, move to Tauranga and she spent a night with us. And as usual, she had so many interesting family stories, including her Chris helping the police chase down a speeder. She cleaned our clocks at "Ticket To Ride Nederland", but I got some revenge by winning "Survive: Escape From Atlantis".

Trivial Pursuit Gang. Gail and I drove to Bev's in Auckland one afternoon and all 6 of our remaining members plus erstwhile floater, James, showed up. We played a couple games. We sucked at the NZ 1986 version but after takeaways we did an excellent job on the US 1996 one.
...Who and Why
We sold Ne’s small house on a large section for a larger house on a smaller section. The entire landscape is covered with rocks and stones with bushes. So it will be a big effort to remove the stuff and put a lawn section for the dogs. Then we will begin the task of putting in our flowers/flowering bushes, veggie garden and fruit trees. Because of the Chinese invasion rental laws were changed and this time we need to complete multi-paged declarations, one for selling and the same for buying for each owner.    Why did someone leave a cake out in the rain? Who was it? A couple who were having a romantic picnic when all of a sudden a downpour began? An old man with dementia? A terrorist?
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