2018 - No. 3         www.malecek.com                2018 No 3

I have been in 36 of the 50 States in the USA. Our home state is Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. I went to the annual State Fair 9 times over 44 years and some things just never change. Our first date was there in 1969.
The other state where I have spent the most time is Arizona, where Gail’s folks lived. I loved Prescott in the mountains
Been to Hawaii 4 times and even lived there for 3 months. We almost bought a B&B on the Big Island in 1997. With the recent volcanic activity, it was probably good that we didn’t.
Australia has 6 Down-Under States. We have been over the “ditch” five times.

South Australia (1988 and 2007) for friends and the wine, Victoria (1988 and 1997) for the scenery, New South Wales (1988 and 2007) for a wedding and the variety of landscapes, Queensland (1988 and 2010) for Expo 88, beaches and Great Barrier Reef and Western Australia (1997) just for the heck of it.

 At the pump:

It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you S 2.0
The original "S" has been updated read it

In New Zealand most roofs are either metal (corrugated iron) or ceramic tiles. In the States shingles are more common. Not to be confused with wooden “shakes” these are 2-foot strips of an asphalt base upon which small colored stone chips have been infused on to the upper surface.

Way back in the spring of 1962 we built a tree house that had a roof. I was the only one in the gang of four guys who dared to get onto the roof, 18 feet above ground. After a storm that summer we had to remove the thing, so I was up there once more.

Back in 1975 Chris and I helped Bob and his friend Mert re-tile the lower part of a garage that had rotted away from the ice/melt/refreezing etc that a Minnesota winter inflicts. Tiles are normally nailed to the roof starting at the bottom edge and laying the next row on top covering the nails.

This is the medical type. Having seen friends go through torture with this affliction Gail and I each put out $200 for a vaccination about 3 years ago. So what does the government do this year but offer the shot to everyone over 65 for free. That stings even more than the jab. I guess we will be able to get a free booster in 18 months time.
Scrabble  -  The Sopranos  -  Six Feet Under   -  Six Days On The Road  -  Spice Girls

    Most of you know by now that I have Chemical Hypersensitivity. No, that doesn’t mean I am “high”. Just think of a dog’s ability to sniff things out and that’s me. I shun gatherings and whenever Gail comes home from shopping or the Hospice Shop she must change her clothes before we can greet each other in the same room.
I wonder what ever happened to Smelling Salts. That has gone out of fashion. Maybe with Women’s Lib they don’t faint as often.
I have noticed a definite change in the aromas wafting about Mount Smart Stadium at Warriors games. Gone are the evenings of a pub beer smell in the stands. It has been replaced with the scent of hot coffee.

   When you look into an average yard it is unlikely that you will see a statue. If you do, I reckon it will either be a naked young female or an old short man who looks like he came straight out of Snow White.
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