2023 - No. 7         www.malecek.com        2023 - No 7

That’s a diabetic cake —only 1/4 of a real one, eh.

I got a long sleeve shirt with holes for cufflinks. I can’t remember the last time I wore them. And come to think of it when did I last wear a tie?

We tried to play a new Catan game but had to stop when we caught Gail cheating (unintentionally).

The weirdest gift came from Newsy who sent me an Ethiopian 10 Birr note.

 At the pump:

 $NZ 2.55/litre

 $NZ9.82/gal ($US5.89)

      “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out into the midday sun”. Well, you can add Malley to that. I have been doing hour long walks (519 so far) for the past 8 years. Mind you it is mostly during the nice warm weather days. I hate cold so stay indoors when it is too cold or rainy.

Over the years I have come across many things. The first coin I found was a $2 coin. I once found a $5 note. To date I have made $14.50. But it is now a long slog between coins as fewer people use cash these days.

My other source of income has been aluminum cans. 8 of them are worth 5¢. In the winter I would be lucky find 5 cans, but in the summer I average around 15. Most common is Woodstock Bourbon & Cola. I crush and bag them. When I have enough to fill the car I bring them in. It can take two years or so and I get around $20. I don’t do it solely for the money. I am keeping New Zealand clean, eh?

More than cans the most items I pick up are ferrous metal. I have no idea why so many nails, screws, nuts and bolts end up on the road, but I can get around 10 each walk. A couple years ago I started finding long, flat strips. Did a little research and found that they are from a street sweeper. I can get 5 a day. And I also find nitrous oxide capsules which, I guess people use to get high.

These days there are less and less cigarette butts and more vape canisters. And one I can never figure out is the amount of single socks laying about. There had been a spate of blue face masks, but they are now a thing of the past. Then there are the scooters left willy-nilly. At first they were “Lime” and now they are “Beam”.

Ne has encouraged me to pick up rubber bands from roads and paths so as to save a not-so-bright bird (aka bird-brain) from ingesting it thinking was a worm...
Malley Muses

Weighty Subject

I bought a three-speed bike 5 years ago. Not a 10-speed as I want my legs to work hard. Mostly I go to Ne’s place around a 20 minute ride (140 times so far). This year I bought a high tech helmet that flashes white in front and red in back. And I can signal turns by pushing a button on the handle bar.
I also hit the village gym where I ride the stationery bike and use the treadmill. After a workout on the other equipment I do laps in the heated pool for 30 minutes. I feel I am in my best condition in 30 years.
Take a look at my yearbook from 1964 and compare it to one today. What will you notice? 1964: the odd overweight child. Today its the odd normal weight one. Hate to think what 2064 will be like.
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