© Walt Disney



Formula 1

Trivial Pursuit

The Malleys

"Without a friend the world is a wilderness"
Old friends, new friends, normal friends, crazy friends.  For me its "variety is the spice of life". I have a friend who is 42 years older than I am.  I have a friend who is 42 years younger than me.  With the one I share many memories and with the other I am making memories for the future.  Anyone who knows me as a friend, knows they are stuck with me for life.   There are many who I have lost touch with over the years.  That's normal, that's life.  Best of friends must part.  I dedicate this page to those who, sadly, remain only a memory.
"Make new friends, and keep the old, one is silver, and the other is gold"

How to organize this page has proven to be a good challenge. By chronology, by geography, by circumstance, by importance (Malley's Top 10 Friends), alphabetically, or purely serendipity?  Then there is the fear of omission. Maybe I should skip this page altogether but friends are just too important not to have their 15 words of space.  Don't want the page to go stale either.  So each month a new friend.
