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1971 |
Lawaki River with Murphy, Sean and 20 or so 4th form boys. Jekesoni went ahead and got permission for us to walk through Bau. We didn't see a single person or animal. Murph slipped and slid a few times on the muddy track.
Stopped at a large, beautiful swimming hole a little past Nadranu where the boys rigged up a vine. After a time swinging into the water we went up the river following a path and crossed it many times. Gentle slope with many rocks. Stopped about 2 miles in for lunch.
Blocked the flow and created a shallow pond and a waterfall. (Color photos, movie and audio tape). |
1972 |
Spent afternoon with Tevita putting up the backboard (the kitchen table sans legs) onto tree out back door. Taru's brother brought a radio to be fixed. A sikh, he had his hair cut off! Ian met a couple Canadians at Korovou and
brought them home - they are bumming around the world. |
1977 |
Su - Casey Kasem read my letter on American Top 40 (Listen). |
1982 |
Sa - Put out my match book collection. Watched North Stars beat Chicago 7 - 1 in playoffs. Big fight in 3rd period. Fighting in the stands with big cops pounding a couple drunks (video). |
1993 |
Bought 1000 aspirin for $64 at Hobsons which is cheap compared to 20 for $2 in grocery store, but still above the $5 you'd pay in the States. |
2000 |
M - Complained to Pascalls that their sour worms aren't sour anymore. Today I got an apology and 3 bags of candy. |
2012 |
T - PathLab in Tauranga where I had a TNA on the lump in my leg. |
2018 |
T - Up at 9:30AM and brought Gail to hospital. She had me wheelchair her to the Cardio Unit. While waiting, Paula came to say "Hi". ECG and then Dr Chow told us he wants some tests to see if it is the Amyloid that can be treated by chemo.
Told her to exercise more and see her in 6 months. |
2023 |
M - 75 minute walk to Coastal Blvd. This has been the summer of socks...I see so many single ones on the road and in kerbs. Chatted with Cherry about the pigeons hanging around her places (I counted 14 on her roof a few days ago). AFL: Bombers down 34 - 0 to Saints managed to tie game at 61, but lost 92 - 74. |
2024 |
W - 50 minute walk - gardener thanked me for the feijoas that Gail left at the office. Weighed a large feijoa at 154g (worth $1 at current grocery store pricing of $6.50/Kg). We are giving 2 to 3 kilos of them each day. Finished Terraforming and had a game of Cascadia. Compiled Top 20 of 2003. |
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11th |