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11th | 12th | 13th | High = 49°F. Supper at only McDonald's in Twin Cities on 78th and Lyndale. |
1968 | Darrell and I went to the Easter Show at the Mpls Auditorium and caught "The Mob" - rock group from Chicago that was GREAT and the local Underbeats who were nothing much. We were right at the stage in front of the speakers. | ![]() |
1970 | Lance Craighead and a couple others came to dive and stayed overnight with us. Woody threw a big bash in the evening and had his speakers blasting so loud that the school's Methodist preacher complained about his evening service being ruined. | |
1972 | Enlarged the court and put up a fence to stop ball from rolling down the cliff. The basket is a big novelty and today the following came by to take shots with me: Tevita L, Joeli D, Rusiate L, Taniela L, Penny, Christine, Alipate, Domo, Ian, Keni, Doli, Daya, Dick and Bob. | ![]() |
1974 | Call from Paul Mitchell telling me to listen to Radio i for the Solid Gold Weekend that he programmed. Called Paul to tell him that I was related to Don Cherry and he dedicated a couple songs to me. Found out Kathy was P.G. | |
1985 | F - Train: Free coffee, orange juice and a Grand Forks newspaper delivered to us just outside Minot, ND. We cooked soup on the sterno stove for breakfast. Gail worried that the porter may have caught her cleaning up when he delivered two complimentary wine (Jean Codier white) baskets. All of North Dakota and most of Montana was much the same, gently rolling hills of wheat and no trees, and snow on the ground. Kids and I had a swaying lunch in the dining car (very formal and expensive). Got off train at Havre, MT for half an hour. I washed the outside of our windows. Seemed like a reasonable little town and the air was clean and fresh. Toward evening we moved to the lounge car to view Glacier National Park. Train was 30 minutes late, so it was too dark to take photos. Kids were impressed going through a few tunnels. | ![]() ![]() Ne ![]() Click to see Montana slides |
1986 | Was some difficulty but found Ketetahi Hot Springs trail after driving around route 47A. On our way up the mountain at 10:20AM. First 90 minutes through totara with creek, waterfalls and rapids. Going got rough; luckily there were two rest spots. By the time we got to top of trees we were all sweating and changed to light weight clothing. But higher up the tussock area was swept by icy winds. Beautifully clear day but we were getting into cloud mists so we put on our longs, jackets, caps and gloves (always prepared, eh?). Another 90 minutes through the blistery wind on an easy grade. When we got to the final leg with its steep steps almost couldn't move our legs. Ne put on her togs and got into the hot mud pools and while Gail soaked her feet, David and I went up further to explore the fumeroles, geyers etc... Going down took 2 hours. Gail tripped twice, second time scraping her knee. We were all worn out by the time we found the car. Took Ne over to the stream to practice casting. Had a look for Halley's comet, but it is past its peak now. Click to see photos | ![]() Half-way |
1998 | Su - Called Brasil and we talked to Ve. Brought Peter to Maraetai to look at boats, then Mission Bay to look at more boats. Had lunch at Kelley's Cafe, then the Maritime Museum to look at even more... Supper, then over to Aldies to play RummiKub with Dot (up for 2 weeks). | ![]() |
2002 | At 3AM I try to sleep on the floor, but the quilt smells from perfume, so I put some clothes on and slept for 3 hours getting up at 7:30AM. I went to see Joyce as soon as I could get going. Joyce's neighbor, Dan was leaving at the same time, so I went over to introduce myself so he would know that I wasn't stealing the car. Met his wife, Nancy. Both are Potter's House ministers and wanted to pray at Joyce's side. She was up, but had her eyes closed most of the time with very labored breath making any conversation difficult. Able to communicate, albeit, slowly. RN Mary said that the main concern was her heart rate which they are trying to bring down. Joyce's sister, Louise, called the hospital and ended up with me, thinking I was a doctor. When she said Joyce had a daughter, Gail, in NZ I told her I knew. Helped Joyce tackle lunch (giagantic croissant, ham and cheese) - a very slow process considering she is almost dead, one arm is loaded down with six drips and she has such badly crippled hands! Walgreens to get toiletries and Albertson's for groceries. Everything so expensive in comparison to NZ, so I limited myself to four boxes of breakfast cereal (Cap'n Crunch OOPS! Smashed Berries, Oreo O's, Mickey's Magix and Buzz Blasts) and a couple bismarks which are now known, correctly, in the States as a jelly roll. Called Gail to give her an update and a list of things to do and bring. After supper I went back to see Joyce. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2007 | Bought an air cleaner at Harvey Norman [still going in 2022]. Gail double skunked me - my new all-time low at 55. | ![]() |
2008 | Ian and Susi over for bridge, with a bottle of Grappa that tasted like crappa. | |
2009 | Smithers came. Thomas went in and came out 4 seconds later. He ended up in a second time when I pushed him. James was more game and was in and out swimming lengths. Japanese homestay, Rino, from Osaka also came. After about an hour or so outside (soccer) we went in for snacks and coffee. Boys and Rino played pool. Tracked down a tui while they leaving. Trish's house was on "Location, Location, Location" and Gail managed to tape the final minutes of it. I showed up in a photo and collage I had made also was shown. | |
2013 | F - Skunked Gail twice and reached 1,000,000 points. | ![]() ![]() |
2022 | Zipped out (Cyclone Lili on its way) to Noel Leeming to buy a dryer for Ne ($581) and bring it to 34OC. AFL: Saints down by 25 stormed to 26 point win over the Tigers (King had 4 goals in 4th quarter). | |
2023 | W - 34OC to do tests for the Eero situation. Put up a new light fixture above bathroom sink. Called Russsell to hash out Warriors loss. Gym and pool (10). AFL: Crows beat Port in Showndown 53. It was close for three terms before they pulled away and won 117 - 86 (Thilthorpe had 5). | |
2024 | F - Up at 9:30AM. Watched Cats 106 - Hawks 70. Poor Ginnivan - tackled high 5 times but never called because of his history. Bunnings to get a hacksaw, posted Leslie Gore album and filled the Jazz. Watched D's hold off Crows with a 78 - 63 win. Compiled Top 40 of 2005. | ![]() |
11th | Back to Top | 13th |