I played Trivial Pursuits with my old maths teacher last night. It's the Rock and Roll version in which he is expert.  Somehow I won. In an effort to mask the pain of his defeat, John turned the discussion to F1.  This is not a subject he and I have discussed much over the past two and half decades.  I don't know who was more surprised - me because he brought up the subject of F1, or him because I was unable to answer his question to my satisfaction. It's a simple question really but one that is less obvious to the non 'out and out' fan - are there chinks in Schumachers armour? OK once, in fact twice, he had to drive competitors off the road to win a championship but there wouldn't seem to be much need to re-employ those deplorable 'tactics' this year. Some say he cracks a bit under pressure but when can anyone ever point to a time when there is irrefutable proof that this has happened.  Deplorable tactics aside. Smugness and arrogance are hardly 'chinks in armour', even if they really exist.

In short, I couldn't think of any.  Of course he's not perfect and a lot of other factors have contributed to his place in history, not least of which being his right to choose his team mate, Villeneuve's decision to join BAR when he did, and Hakkinen's retirement. If you can help, I'd love to be able to get back to John and say 'that win in the trivial pursuits was a fluke and I have some answers from my pitpass friends'. And do you know, not one question on Iggy...

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