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1972 Ghetto had 8 pups. Played bridge all afternoon at Whites. This time Susi and I mastered. Ate chow there. Stevie can walk, dance and talk gibberish now. Bill Sullivan (Fiji IX) came with Bob. Phil showed them how to print photos. Whites at 11PM as Bill was looking for books for his English class.
Ravuama + Viliame
1973 First day at Rosehill. Walked to it along Elliott and got there early. Staff meeting at 9AM. Jerkovich went on for an hour about the school. JMac filled us in on timetables etc... 4th Form meeting to sort out options. Math meeting at 11AM after coffee. Got to be good buddies with David Smithers. Our rooms and adjacent and we will be creating the sixth form curriculum. Ran into Epi Druauvesi and George Kwong who are at Ardmore Teachers Training.
1977 Simon helped us buy a car. Looked at Irene K's car ($600 and needs brakes) and dropped Te off with her. Looked at a Triumph and an Anglia. Bought the 1960 Austin Cambridge for $500.
1978 Breezes for a barbecue (with an excellent '74 Lincoln Dry White) and to check out the camper he built. Kids love being given rides in the cart and Ne figured out how to skateboard.
1982 F - Final morning of S2K class. Boring stuff presented by Pokorny. Ol Mexico to celebrate Mary Reckinger's promotion to supervisor. Extra bowl of chips = 60¢. I had a Mexican omlette. Went to Walleyball with Curt. We had Randy Steel and R D Roy join us. Sprained my left thumb early on. Good games. I had to cut the games off at 6PM much to everyone's disgust. Ran out with no shower so as not keep Gail waiting too long. After 30 minutes the others came out. Schauer suggested I call home and she had forgotten. Bob gave me a lift.
1983 Sa - Two hour basketball workout in Hills, MN high school gym with Bob, Mike and Jeff. I impressed them by putting in 25 footers and was even making lefties. Watched Indiana (No 1) anihilate Gophers (No 2) while women checked out Barb's apt.
1984 Su - Kay and kids got home about noon and we left shortly after. We were pulled off the interstate at Adrian for 30 minutes and then we made a caravan behind snowplows. Westbound lanes were completely snowed over in 12 foot drifts. Counted over 100 abandoned vehicles between Luverne and Jackson. Vision was very limited. Took us six hours to get to Bloomington. News report.
1990 Gail's first day at Kelvin Road and kids were at school so that left me to show Bob and Lynna around Papakura. Railroad station to get tickets. Took 30 minutes but fellow was a very friendly Aussie with a lot to say. AA to get maps of South Island. Lamburgers for lunch. Bob bought 10 ketchup packets at 20¢ and went on and on about $2 for ketchup to put on his $1 fries. Went to Maraetai for boating and floating. Bob and Lynna had a go in the boat but stayed out of the water. Home at dark for brandy snaps and an excellent French Bordeaux.
2002 Joyce called to say that Bill had died. So I got an Int'l Driver's licence at AA. Told Gail the news and we discussed travel/support options.
2003 After supper (outside on picnic table) Ne, Steph, Monique and I did a wander around Brundell Acres - he wasn't home.
2004 Picked up Yuki and met the Moores. After supper we had a couple games of Chinese Checkers.
2012 Su - Went to Showjumping with Gail and Ne. Saw the pony competition and the World Cup event. I walked around the course before it began. More Photos
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