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5th |
6th |
1957 |
Report card - Miss Miller wrote a long note. |
1974 |
Porterhouse with Ian Scott where we selected our steaks to be grilled in front of our eyes. |
1976 |
Finished None Dare Call It Treason, which made me wonder about the States and the world's future.
Trish and Doug came at 2PM. He and I discussed records until 3PM when he left for a squash game. Bakkers removed clothesline and I used their sledgehammer to break up the concrete path to it.
When Doug returned we played outside with Te. Watched a NZ Sport Quiz show. They went off with Te to get KFC and Coke, for an evening of watching TV. |
1979 |
T - Sat at Purvis' for hour before he saw me. Diagnosed with pleurisy and given antibiotics. |
1980 |
Th - Thunderstorm woke us at 4:30AM (Ne talks about it). Mom called to say Zayre up to 70% off, so off we went for the 16th time - got a stereo record player for $12, shoes and boots going for $1.50. |
1986 |
Th - Alan and I went to Powercorp and were shown the Info Serve hookup to Sydney [ed. - early version of Internet] and a color inkjet. Walked to Palms Restaurant where I joined five other NZ Steel
people for a Wilson White Associates reunion. Varney was there as their favorite employer. There was another American and one Canadian in the group of 50 that had photos taken holding miniature country flags.
[ed. - picture on the cover of mag]. Some wine, some food, some chat with Harry Laventis from Cyprus. Rode home with Peter Taylor who has taken an interest in my Info Center case. [ed - he would become my boss]. |
2004 |
Airport domestic terminal where I waited 30 minutes to pick up James and Trish
back from South Island. They couldn't open the side door of the van - embarrassingly, in front a crowd. |
2006 |
Then we went with Ann and Russell to visit their friend, Mary, at Acacia Cove, checked out her place and she gave us a tour. |
2009 |
Elaine moved out of her empty house and came to stay with us for a week. |
2012 |
T - Had to get shaved and dressed to see Dr Kumar who had wanted to ensure the lump was still there before the op tomrorrow. Well, he treated me as a new patient, read Giles' letter, felt the lump and began looking in his diary in August to organize a date! |
2014 |
Th - Listened to the Twins - Braves game and Bob Uecker visited the broadcasters. They spoke about a statue of Bob in Miller Park that fans can sit next to it. |
2015 |
F - Eye Clinic at 10 and then waited until 11:45AM to get the right eye "de-cataracted". Bed after supper for 4 hours with big time eye pain and weeping. |
2019 |
W - Saw Ten Cate (ENT) about my tooth pain. He is ordering a CT. From there I went to see Tim (who knows Ann and Karen Houghton) where I had X-rays done and we discussed the options should ENT doesn't give a result. |
4th |
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6th |