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1969 Hawaii. Details in Peace Corps Journal.
1985 Sa - Delwyn and Russell over; chatted over an excellent Cooks Chasseur and an excellent Nobilo's '82 dry red, with a break for the kids to do fireworks.
1996 Sa - Ian dropped Matthew off and he blew up soldiers with David. Susi and Jackie arrived via bus from MCC after giving up on Ian. Played Upwords with Susi. Over to Aldies at 7PM. Ian showed up. Biggest fire ever and some good fireworks.
2000 Th - Berthe's - went to Waiuku Cossie and seeing the men decided to go home and knit. Doug over for RnR Scatt.
2004 Stopped at Trish's. David has major brain haemorrhages, MRI being studied but no one knows what is wrong. Asked James if he thought I was weird. He said I was "original".
2005 Mike over for Rosehill memories and RnR Scattergories while enjoying an excellent Saints 02 CabSav-Merlot.
2007 Got up early only to wait until after 11AM for Graeme to arrive. Couple hours cutting holes in the bathroom ceiling and the above floor to get the light fixture and exhaust fan outlet done. TP at Colleen's where we played the Young Players version with a not so young Dave.
2011 W - Harvey Norman to buy beds from Yakob - only I didn't know the pin number, so went home to find it and when I couldn't, I dug Gail's out for her to use. When we returned there was a girl outside who had been bound in large cello wrap and eggs had been smashed on her head. She wore a sign that said: "Traitor'. It was her last day at HN. Over to Cane & Shells where we bought an outdoor wicker table/chairs, pandanus screen and small side table for the sunroom from Marjorie. Liquorland where James approved of my selection of fine wines and talked me into a Wild Turkey with honey. Picked up a six pack of RWC Heineken. Bought a Drambuie which came with a hip flask.
2021 T - Day 76 of Delta lockdown (1929 cases). 80 minute walk to Pacific View and a first - an unopened can of Woodstock Bourbon & Cola.
2023 Th - 60 Minute walk to Sandhurst. Who'da believed it, after 8 years of walking and scrapping I found my first fingernail clippers and then 6 blocks later I found a second one! Compiled Top 100 of 1963.
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