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26th | 27th | 28th |
1959 | I typed copies of our song lyrics (that we will sing in music class) and drew a picture to go with it. [ed. - I remember the beginning: "I love the Union of Soviet Socialists, I love the way we all live in fear, for if I vote for my choice, speak my mind, raise my voice; yes, I'll disappear"]. | ![]() |
1966 | Bought 2 Viking tickets from Lance Rentzel (kick return) for Norm. But he never came so I sold them and made a $10 profit. [ed. - Vikings stay at Holiday Inn night before game and I got to know some of them]. | |
1969 | Thanksgiving in Hawaii: Details in Peace Corps Journal. | |
1971 | Heasley and I took 17 boys up the Lawaki river. Swam at Nadranu pool and then went about 3 miles up stream to a 40' waterfall. I layed in a warmish pool and carved my name onto a rock. See photos. Stopped for a drink at Deve's and had him pose for photos. | ![]() |
1975 | Frank gave us a tour of Cleveland. Missed Santa parade but did see a clown driving down the highway in a fire truck. Pointed out the Terminal Tower and saw the first oil refinery in the States, built by John D Rockefeller. Went through the industrial valley along the infamous Cuyahoga River. Showed us around Republic Steel where he had worked. 19th largest at 300,000 tons per month. Had time for a couple hands of bridge before Doris, Ray and David came over for a Thanksgiving meal. Afterwards we played the 'dictionary game'. My favorite word, boustrophedon, had been chosen by Gail. Radio stations: (WJW and CKLW). | ![]() More photos |
1976 | Mrs Dent volunteered to babysit for us tonight when we went to see the Messiah! No actually we went to a barbecue at Alderson's with Ron and Liz. Had to cover pool as Te was too interested in it. Looked at slides in bedroom. Freezing Works workers are on strike. Many are killed but few are frozen. | |
1980 | Th - Up at 8AM to watch Macy's Thanksgiving parade. Towns where we were joined by Marge and Warren Reitan. Joyce brought out 1909 postcards of Sleepy Eye. After a big feast we left at 6PM with a Christmas tree that Joyce gave us. Lundholm's for the first time, met Linda. Saw Dave's computer setup and he showed me what it can do. | |
1981 | F - Zipped out to Banks annual sale - line even longer than last year. Got an electric trucking set ($27), mop and gifts. Set up the trucking set and played with it when not watching their favorite show: Dukes of Hazzard. | |
1989 | First day of TV 3 (promos)- so it was an evening of watching and taping. | |
1990 | Chantelle's for smorgasboard. Gail had a Golden Dream. I had a Southern Screw. | |
1991 | Margorie Clark's funeral in Waiuku. Hadn't seen Dean in 15 years. Mike gave a moving summary of her life. Talked to Brian McDonald (pall bearer). Gave Sandy a hug and said "hi" to the Roseland's Toyworld owner and his son Kantu. Steve Graham's to return books and see his new office. Chatted with Margaret and kidded Jonathan about his mess in the garage where he makes sailboards. Walked to Sanders to invite them to my party. | ![]() |
1993 | Ian and Susi dropped in with Granny. Had Freddy Fudpuckers and listened to Granny's flight and hospital stories. | |
2002 | Gail and class watched the High School Aladdin Pantomime and Jackie was very good. Got the official letter from Dunedin stating that Gail's vestibular schwannoma will be zapped down there. | ![]() |
2008 | Elaine visited and was followed by Irene (with neenishes) who had us laughing with her Lionel Richie (girls bought them tickets for concert in Napier) and their long trip getting to The Phantom (same time as Santa parade) stories. | |
2014 | Th - Downloaded and watched "FireHouse". Games at Taylors' but no bubbly and chocolate as advertized. Played Tsuro, then a German card game (cats on cards) with PK, Ang, Dave and Martin. CJ joined us for Skull and Inca Gold. Finished the night playing Aruba with Max, Clayton, PK, Matt and Kim. | |
2015 | F - Anna's for Scrabble with David. She mad a lovely apricot pie for the special game, which I just barely won. David figured out Mythotopia and we played a partial practice game. Had a light meal in the sunroom. Then a real game of M and I just squeaked through for the win. Which is what happened for World Without End. My lucky day. | ![]() |
2016 | Su - David and I did three games of petanque. We played Archipelago. We had waffles for supper and then got Ne to play Formula D (photo) for the first time. | ![]() |
2017 | M - Letter and calendar from Jane. Coincidently, I had just watched "50 First Dates". Hour walk along beach after supper. I took 28 photos of the journey (start). | ![]() |
2024 | W - 70 minute walk to Coastal Blvd - found $2 ($18). Birthday card from OSV and another from Newsy. Weeded. Gym and pool (12). | ![]() |
26th | Back to Top | 28th |