10th |
11th |
12th |
1969 |
Dad met Gail when he took us out to The President for a meal. |
1975 |
Electric bill: $19.85. Watched first game of World Series.
Deaf-mute sign language during news on TV. Kylberg said divorce is final and he won't pay me anymore for painting his rental house. Watched Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Evel Knievel Pt 1 Pt 2. |
1991 |
Planted the last of the firethorn bushes. Left for Phoenix at 3PM. Drove around Paradise Valley (lots of walled communities). Went to Christown. Airport at 8:30PM; Angi arrived around 9:30PM and we hit Prescott at midnight. Talked with Joyce until 1AM. |
2001 |
Stephanie moved into the guest room. |
2018 |
Th - David up for the weekend. Chicken paprika supper. Played a couple games of Dominion. When Ne left we played Istanbul. |
2020 |
Su - Listened to the Twins - Buxton gets inside park HR.
Gail got a Samsung microwave (our 7th in 36 years). |
2021 |
M - Day 55 of Delta lockdown (452 cases). Brought scrap metal in and got $30. Then organized my driver's licence ($19.07). |
2022 |
T - Listened to the Twins 6 - Guardians 7 in 16 innings while painting a portrait. AFL: Suns 114 - Roos 47 (Sexton had 6 goals). Cats slaughtered Eagles 131 - 46. |
2023 |
W - Terraforming Mars and 3 games of Arkopolis. Ne given Korean trinkets and a box of Favourites for storing neighbor's car for the past two weeks. email and photos from Senad about the Jeju race. Listened to the Twins lose playoff game to Astros 9 - 1. |
2024 |
F - Up to find Peter, from Car Body Removals, who took the Platz away after paying us $375. Catan and I had a rare wion, so we had affagatos with Salt Caramel syrup. 55 minute walk to Sandhurst in the rain. Gym and pool (16). |
10th |
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12th |